%% @doc A rule to detect unused header files.
%% <p>To avoid this warning, remove the unused header files.</p>
%% <h3>Note</h3>
%% <blockquote>
%% This rule assumes that hrl files will not be used outside your project.
%% If you are writing a library that requires your clients to use some of
%% your header files, you can add an ignore rule in rebar.config for it.
%% </blockquote>
%% @todo Figure out the absname of IncludePath
%% [https://github.com/AdRoll/rebar3_hank/issues/31]
-export([analyze/2, ignored/2]).
%% @private
-spec analyze(hank_rule:asts(), hank_context:t()) -> [hank_rule:result()].
analyze(FilesAndASTs, Context) ->
{Files, ASTs} = lists:unzip(FilesAndASTs),
IncludePaths = [IncludePath || AST <- ASTs, IncludePath <- include_paths(AST)],
IncludeLibPaths =
[expand_lib_dir(IncludeLibPath, Context)
|| AST <- ASTs, IncludeLibPath <- include_lib_paths(AST)],
[#{file => File,
line => 0,
text => "This file is unused",
pattern => undefined}
|| File <- Files,
filename:extension(File) == ".hrl",
is_unused_local(File, IncludePaths),
is_unused_lib(File, IncludeLibPaths)].
include_paths(AST) ->
|| Node <- AST,
% Yeah, include_lib can also be used as include ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (check epp's code)
hank_utils:node_has_attrs(Node, [include, include_lib]),
IncludedFile <- erl_syntax:attribute_arguments(Node)].
include_lib_paths(AST) ->
hank_utils:attr_args_concrete(AST, include_lib).
is_unused_local(FilePath, IncludePaths) ->
lists:any(fun(IncludePath) -> hank_utils:paths_match(IncludePath, FilePath) end,
is_unused_lib(File, IncludeLibPaths) ->
% Note that IncludeLibPaths here are absolute paths, not relative ones.
filename:absname(File), IncludeLibPaths).
expand_lib_dir(IncludeLibPath, Context) ->
[App | Path] = filename:split(IncludeLibPath),
case hank_context:app_dir(list_to_atom(App), Context) of
undefined ->
AppDir ->
fname_join([AppDir | Path])
%% @doc Copied verbatim from epp:fname_join(Name).
fname_join(["." | [_ | _] = Rest]) ->
fname_join(Components) ->
%% @doc It doesn't make sense to provide individual ignore spec support here.
%% The rule's basic unit is already a file.
-spec ignored(hank_rule:ignore_pattern(), term()) -> false.
ignored(undefined, _IgnoreSpec) ->