
`rebar3_lint` is a `rebar3` plugin to ease the integration of
[elvis]( into your project.
Add the plugin to your `rebar.config`:
{project_plugins, [
Then call it:
$ rebar3 lint
===> Fetching rebar3_lint
===> Compiling rebar3_lint
<plugin output>
The plugin supports configuration option `elvis_output_format` in `rebar.config`:
{elvis_output_format, plain | colors | parsable}. % default: colors
It also supports option `elvis` (in `rebar.config`) as you'd find `elvis`'s own
`config` (inside option `elvis`).
If no `elvis` configuration is present in `rebar.config`, the
plug-in will look for an `elvis.config` file in the project root folder
(but only the `config` section will be applied - this is an `elvis` idiosyncrasy).
The output format may then be configured separately in `rebar.config`, as previously
This is the default configuration if no input is provided:
[#{ dirs => ["apps/*/src/**", "src/**"],
filter => "*.erl",
ruleset => erl_files },
#{ dirs => ["."],
filter => "rebar.config",
ruleset => rebar_config },
#{ dirs => ["."],
filter => "elvis.config",
ruleset => elvis_config }]