rebar3 proto plugin
The purpose of this plugin is to provide an auto-incrementing id for each protocol name, for using the protocol definition that uses protocol numbers instead of protocol names.
This plugin would generat a module `proto_info.erl`, which provides frequently-used functions defined by users.
Cooperates with [rebar3_gpb_plugin](, so [configure]( it first.
rebar.config's options specification
- `o_meta_file`: The output file record the protocol name, auto-incrementing id, pb module generated by gpb.
- `o_proto_info`: The ouput file genterated functions defined by `custom_info`.
- `custom_info`: The file defines functions for `o_proto_info`'s file.
Add the plugin to your rebar config:
{project_plugins, [
{rebar3_gpb_plugin, "2.22.1"},
{rebar3_proto_plugin, "0.1.11"}
Config the `proto_opts` and `provider_hooks`:
{proto_opts, [
{o_meta_file, "proto_info.meta"},
{o_proto_info, "src/proto_info.erl"},
{custom_info, ["src/proto_info_custom.erl"]},
{proto_hrl, true},
{proto_hrl_uppercase, true},
{o_proto_hrl, "include/pt_define.hrl"}
{provider_hooks, [
{pre, [
{compile, {protobuf, compile}},
{compile, {proto, generate}},
{clean, {protobuf, clean}}
{post, [
Define custom functions in the file `custom_info` above, each function in `fun_list` would be applied with the argument `MetaList`, and expected to return a map like: `#{fun_name => ?, clauses => [ #{args => ?, return => ?} ]}`).
`MetaList` is a list, each element is a map that contains keys `msg_code`, `msg_name`, `pb_module`.
fun_list() ->
[fun get_msg_handle/1].
get_msg_handle(MetaList) ->
Fun = fun(PbModule) ->
case atom_to_list(PbModule) of
"pb_" ++ Proto ->
_ ->
ClausesMapsList = [ #{args => [MsgCode], return => Fun(PbModule)}
|| #{msg_code := MsgCode, pb_module := PbModule} <- MetaList],
#{fun_name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
clauses => ClausesMapsList}.
A simple example locate in [doc/example_app](/doc/example_app).
`proto_info.meta` and `src/pb/proto_info.erl` are generated by current plugin.