# rebar3_sheldon
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A rebar plugin for spellchecking code with [Sheldon](

## Build

$ rebar3 compile

## Use

Add the plugin to your rebar config:

{project_plugins, [{rebar3_sheldon, "~> 0.3.0"}]}.

Then just call your plugin directly in an existing application:
$ rebar3 spellcheck
===> Fetching rebar3_sheldon
===> Compiling rebar3_sheldon
===> Youre welcome. And if he has twins, we can do all kinds of neat experiments on them.:
test/test_SUITE.erl:1: The word "Speling" in string is unknown. Maybe you wanted to use "speeling" or "speiling" or ....?
test/test_SUITE.erl:2: The word "fdfdf" in string is unknown.
test/test_SUITE.erl:3: The word "Unicode" in comment is unknown. Maybe you wanted to use "uncoded"?

## Command line
### Arguments List
$ rebar3 -h spellcheck
Plugin for spellcheck by sheldon
Usage: rebar3 spellcheck [-f <files>] [-i <ignore>] [-r <ignore_regex>]
                         [-d <default_dictionary>]
                         [-a <additional_dictionaries>]

  -f, --files                    List of files for spellchecker
  -i, --ignore                   List of ignore files for spellchecker
  -r, --ignore_regex             Regular exemptions for ignore lines
  -d, --default_dictionary       Set default dictionary
  -a, --additional_dictionaries  List of additional dictionaries
### Short full example
$ rebar3 spellcheck -f 'src/*.erl, test/*erl' -i 'include/*.hrl' -r '[_@./#&+-=*]' -d 'path/to/dict.txt' -a 'path/to.txt, additional_dict_1.txt'`

## Config
### Description
By default, the dictionary used is the one provided by [sheldon](
If you need to use a custom list of files for spellchecking, use the config option `files`.
If you need to ignore some files for spellchecking, use the config option `ignore`.
If you need to ignore some particular strings or comments in your modules, use `ignore_regex` to set regular expressions and ignore the lines that match them.
If you want to directly replace Sheldon's dictionary with your own one, you can replace using the config option `default_dictionary`.
If you need to _expand_ Sheldon's dictionary with your own words, use the `additional_dictionaries` option pointing to your own dictionaries with which you want to expand Sheldon's.

### Options
Currently supported options for `spellcheck` configuration through `rebar.config`:
| Name                       | Type              | Description                           |
| -------------------------- | ----------------- | --------------------------------------|
| `files`                    | `[string(), ...]` | List of files for spellchecker        |
|  `ignore`                  | `[string(), ...]` | List of ignore files for spellchecker |
|  `ignore_regex`            | `string()`        | Regular exemptions for ignore lines   |
|  `default_dictionary`      | `string()`        | Set default dictionary                |
|  `additional_dictionaries` | `[string(), ...]` | List of additional dictionaries       |

### Default
{spellcheck, [
    {files, ["include/**/*.[he]rl",

### Example
{spellcheck, [
    {files, ["src/*.erl", "src/*/*.erl", "include/*.hrl"]},
    {ignore, ["src/*_ignore.erl"]},
    {ignore_regex, "[_@./#&+-=*]"},
    {default_dictionary, "path/to/default_dictionary.txt"},
    {additional_dictionaries, ["path/to/custom_dictionary_1.txt", "path/to/custom_dictionary_2.txt"]}

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