# Recase

`Recase` helps you to convert a string from any case to any case.
## Why?
One can ask: "Why should I use `Recase` when I can use built-in `Macro` module?". But, you have to keep in mind that `Macro`'s functions are [not suitable](https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/4aa81645b0588b56fb61cd154dcaee354732aa5c/lib/elixir/lib/macro.ex#L1265) for general case usage:
> Do not use it as a general mechanism for underscoring or camelizing strings as it does not support Unicode or characters that are not valid in Elixir identifiers.
## Installation
def deps do
{:recase, "~> 0.5"}
## Usage
### Pascal
Pascal (or Upper) case uses mixed case with lower and upper cased characters. Separates words from each other with the upper case letters. Starts with upper case letter.
Recase.to_pascal("some-value") # => "SomeValue"
Recase.to_pascal("Some value") # => "SomeValue"
### Camel
Camel case uses mixed case with lower and upper cased characters. Separates words from each other with the upper cased letters. Starts with lower case letter.
Recase.to_camel("some-value") # => "someValue"
Recase.to_camel("Some Value") # => "someValue"
### Snake
Snake cases uses all lower case. Uses `_` as a separator.
Recase.to_snake("someValue") # => "some_value"
Recase.to_snake("Some Value") # => "some_value"
### Kebab
Kebab cases uses all lower case. Uses `-` as a separator.
Recase.to_kebab("someValue") # => "some-value"
Recase.to_kebab("Some Value") # => "some-value"
### Constant
Constant case uses all upper case. Uses `_` as a separator.
Recase.to_constant("SomeValue") # => "SOME_VALUE"
Recase.to_constant("some value") # => "SOME_VALUE"
### Dot
Dot case uses all lower case similar to snake case. Uses `.` as a separator.
Recase.to_dot("SomeValue") # => "some.value"
Recase.to_dot("some value") # => "some.value"
### Path
Path case preserves case, you can also provide a separator as the second argument.
Recase.to_path("SomeValue") # => "Some/Value"
Recase.to_path("some value", "\\") # => "some\\value"
### Sentence
Sentence case uses the same rules as regular sentence.
First letter is uppercase all others letters are lowercase separated by spaces.
Recase.to_sentence("SomeValue") # => "Some value"
Recase.to_sentence("some value") # => "Some value"
### Title
Title case applies a "Title Style" to all words in a sentence.
Recase.to_title("some-value") # => "Some Value"
Recase.to_title("some value") # => "Some Value"
### Header
Header case uses the same case as PascalCase, while using `-` as a separator.
Recase.to_header("SomeValue") # => "Some-Value"
Recase.to_header("some value") # => "Some-Value"
### Enumerable
You can convert all keys in an enumerable with:
%{"yourKey" => "value"},
) # => %{"your_key" => "value"}
%{"your_key" => "value"},
) # => %{"yourKey" => "value"}
%{"yourKey" => "value"},
) # => %{your_key: "value"}
%{"your_key" => "value"},
) # => %{yourKey: "value"}
## Changelog
Full changelog is available [here](./CHANGELOG.md).
## Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2017 Nikita Sobolev
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the [LICENSE.md](./LICENSE.md) file for more details.
## Thanks
Thanks to [Gyan Lakhwani](https://github.com/gyanl) for the logo.