# Recipe
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## Intro
The `Recipe` module allows implementing multi-step, reversible workflows.
For example, you may wanna parse some incoming data, write to two different data stores and
then push some notifications. If anything fails, you wanna rollback specific changes in different
data stores. `Recipe` allows you to do that.
Heavily inspired by the `ktn_recipe` module included in [inaka/erlang-katana](https://github.com/inaka/erlang-katana).
## Core ideas
- A workflow is a state machine
- Each step can have a specific error handling scenario
- Each step is a separate function that receives a state with the result of all previous steps
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `recipe` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:recipe, "~> 0.1.0"}]
## Example
defmodule Example do
use Recipe
### Public API
def run(number) do
state = Recipe.empty_state
|> Recipe.assign(:number, number)
Recipe.run(__MODULE__, state)
### Callbacks
def steps, do: [:square, :double]
def handle_result(state) do
{:ok, state.assigns.number}
def handle_error(_step, _error, _state), do: :cannot_fail
### Steps
def square(state) do
number = state.assigns.number
{:ok, Recipe.assign(state, :number, number*number)}
def double(state) do
number = state.assigns.number
{:ok, Recipe.assign(state, :number, number * 2)}
## Development/Test
- Initial setup can be done with `mix deps.get`
- Run tests with `mix test`
- Run dialyzer with `mix dialyzer`
- Run credo with `mix credo`