# Recordlocator for Elixir

**An Elixir module to encode integers into a short and easy to read string and decode the strings back to the initial numbers**

This is the Elixir equivalent to [go-recordlocator](, [php-recordlocator](, [lua-recordlocator](, [postgresql-recordlocator]( and [sqlanywhere-recordlocator](

A RecordLocator is an alphanumerical string that represents an integer. This package encodes integers to RecordLocators and decodes RecordLocators back to integers.

A RecordLocator is shorter than the corresponding integer and easier to read and memorize. You can use it to encode autoincrement primary keys from an database into an human-readable representation for your users.

## Examples

- The integer 5,325 encodes to the RecordLocator 78G.
- The integer 3,512,345 encodes to the RecordLocator 5E82T.

Both RecordLocators are shorter than their integer equivalent. You can encode more than 33.5 million integers in an 5-char RecordLocator: the largest 5-char RecordLocator, ZZZZZ, represents the integer 33,554,431.

With 6 chars you can encode integers up to more than 1 billion.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `recordlocator` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:recordlocator, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.

## Usage

Encoding integers to recordlocators:

{:ok, rl} = Recordlocator.encode(5325)

# => 78G

Decoding recordlocators back into the integer values:

{:ok, number} = Recordlocator.decode("78G")

# => 5325