# Redirect

**Redirect** provides a macro for your router to redirect a request at a given
path to another.

In your `router.ex` file, use the `redirect/3` macro to redirect a request:

import Redirect

redirect "/path", "/new-path", :permanent

The third argument passed to `redirect/3` must be either `:permanent` or
`:temporary`. This setting sets the HTTP status code to 301 or 302 respectively.

Note that `Plug.Conn` will be halted right after redirecting.

You may also import `:redirect`'s formatter configuration by importing
`redirect` into your `.formatter.exs` file (this allows for example to keep
`redirect "/path", "/new-path", :permanent` without parentheses when running `mix format`).

  import_deps: [:ecto, :phoenix, :redirect],

## Installation

Add `redirect` for Elixir as a dependency in your `mix.exs` file:

def deps do
    {:redirect, "~> 0.2.0"}

## HexDocs

HexDocs documentation can be found at [](