# RedisPool for Elixir
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This is redis pool for [Elixir]( Build on top of [eredis]( and [poolboy](

## Examples

Application start:

or add it in `application` section in mix:

def application do
  [mod: {Example, []},
   applications: [ :redis_pool ] ]

### Create pools

RedisPool.create_pool(:default, 10)

RedisPool.create_pool(:test, 10, 'localhost', 6379)

RedisPool.create_pool(:test2, 10, 'localhost', 6379, 0, 'password', 100)

Also you can configure redis_pool directly from configuration file to get pools automatically created at application startup. In `config/config.exs`, add :

config :redis_pool, :pools, [
  test_pool:   [size: 10, host: '', port: 6379],
  test_pool_2: [size: 20, host: '', port: 6379, database: 'user_db', password: 'abc', reconnect_sleep: '20']

### Delete pools



### Usage

Usage of pools:

RedisPool.q({:global, :default}, ["SET", "foo", "bar"])

RedisPool.q({:global, :test}, ["GET", "foo"])

Method `transaction` is execute all redis command between `MULTI` and `EXEC` commands:

RedisPool.transaction {:global, :redis}, fn(redis) ->
  :eredis.q redis, ["SADD", "queues", queue]
  :eredis.q redis, ["LPUSH", "queue", "Test" ]

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request