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# RedisPool
A module that provides a Redis connection pool using NimblePool.
## Installation
def deps do
{:redis_pool_xyz, "~> 0.1"}
See [DOC](https://hexdocs.pm/redis_pool_xyz)
## Usage
1. Add a module using `RedisPool`:
defmodule MyRedis do
@moduledoc false
use RedisPool, otp_app: :my_app
2. Configure your Redis:
url = "redis://localhost:6379"
config = [url: url]
config :my_app, MyRedis, config
3. Add your redis module to supervisor:
children = [
4. Enjoy your journey!
MyRedis.command(["GET", "foo"]) == {:ok, nil}
MyRedis.command(["SET", "foo", "bar"]) == {:ok, "OK"}
MyRedis.command(["GET", "foo"]) == {:ok, "bar"}
MyReids.pipeline([["SET", "foo1", "bar1"], ["SET", "foo2", "bar2"]])