
# RedisQueueReader

This application reads from a redis queue (RPOP) and then executes functions from a list. 
The first function from the list does not receive parameter and must return **true** or **false**. The second function from the list takes a result of reading from the redis queue (:undefined, :no_connection or string that have been read from the redis queue). Every next function from the list gets the result of the calculation of the previous one.   

**While the first function return false the next functions from list not be executed**

**TODO: Add description**

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add `redis_queue_reader` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:redis_queue_reader, git: ""}]

  2. Ensure `redis_queue_reader` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:redis_queue_reader]]

[Exapmle (read from queue (redis) and than write to a DB)](

###Config file


#Redis connection
#The application uses the ‘exredis’( 
#library for #working with the redis

config :redis_queue_reader, RedisQueueReader.Redis,
  url: "redis://",
  reconnect: :no_reconnect,
  max_queue: :infinity
#The application uses ‘poolboy’ for creating a pool of redis connections
#size: maximum pool size (
#max_overflow: maximum number of workers created if the pool is empty

config :redis_queue_reader, RedisQueueReader.Supervisor,
  redis_pool: %{size: 5, max_overflow: 0}



1) RedisQueueReader.Manager.init_reader("queue_1", [ &MyFunctionParsers.first_function/0, &MyFunctionParsers.second_function/1, &MyFunctionParsers.third_function/1] )

2) RedisQueueReader.Manager.start_new_reader("queue_1")

3) RedisQueueReader.Manager.stop_reader_of("queue_1")

4) RedisQueueReader.Manager.destroy_all_readers_without_check_child("queue_1")

5) RedisQueueReader.Manager.list_of_init_readers => ["queue_3", "queue_2", "queue_1"]

6) RedisQueueReader.Manager.get_info_about_child("queue_1")# =>
   [{:undefined, #PID<0.211.0>, :worker, [RedisQueueReader.Reader]},
    {:undefined, #PID<0.214.0>, :worker, [RedisQueueReader.Reader]}]
7) RedisQueueReader.Manager.list_of_readers_of("queue_1") #=>
   [{:undefined, #PID<0.211.0>, :worker, [RedisQueueReader.Reader]},
    {:undefined, #PID<0.214.0>, :worker, [RedisQueueReader.Reader]}]


0) iex --name redis_queue_reader@ --cookie 123 -S mix

Agent.start_link(fn -> true) end, name: :queque_continue)

defmodule MyFunctionParsers do
  def first_function() do
    #function must return true or false
    Agent.get(:queque_continue, fn state -> state.queque_continue end)
  def second_function(res) do
    #res is a variable that can be equal to :undefined or the information read from the queue 

  def third_function(:no_connection) do
    #The redis DB has not been connected
    IO.puts "The redis DB has not been connected"
  def third_function(res) do
    #res  is a variable that can be equal to the result of the calculation of the second function (second_function/1)

  def function_write_to_db(:undefined) do
    IO.puts "undefined"
  def function_write_to_db(str) do
    IO.puts str


Agent.update(:queque_continue, fn state -> Map.put(state, :queque_continue, false) end)


**The following function creates a process that will supervise readers from the queue**

RedisQueueReader.Manager.init_reader("queue_1", [ &MyFunctionParsers.first_function/0, &MyFunctionParsers.second_function/1, &MyFunctionParsers.third_function/1] )

The function receives two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the redis queue.
The second parameter is a list of functions. 

The first function in the list does not receive parameter (the arity of function is zero) another functions in the list receive one parameter (the arity of functions is one).

The first function must return **true** or **false**
The parameter of the second function (&MyFunctionParsers.second_function/1) in the list can receive the following values **:undefined** or **string** that were read from the redis queue.  

Every next function from the list gets the result of the calculation of the previous one. For example the third function (&MyFunctionParsers.third_function/1) in the list gets the result of the calculation of the second function

**To create a reader for the queue.** 


This function creates a process that reads from the queue and executes functions from the list of functions that have been set as the second parameter of the function named **&RedisQueueReader.Manager.init_reader/2** (  RedisQueueReader.Manager.init_reader("queue_1", [ &MyFunctionParsers.first_function/0, &MyFunctionParsers.second_function/1, &MyFunctionParsers.third_function/1] ) )

For adding a reader of the queue you should repeat execution of the function  


**To stop the first reader of the queue**


**To destroy all readers of the queue**


If you use this function, you have to create a process that will supervise readers of the queue (&RedisQueueReader.Manager.init_reader/2 )

**To return all initialized readers**

RedisQueueReader.Manager.list_of_init_readers #=> ["queue_3", "queue_2", "queue_1"]

**The following function returns the list of readers from queue**
RedisQueueReader.Manager.get_info_about_child("queue_1")# =>
[{:undefined, #PID<0.211.0>, :worker, [RedisQueueReader.Reader]},
 {:undefined, #PID<0.214.0>, :worker, [RedisQueueReader.Reader]}]

**The following function returns the same information as the &RedisQueueReader.Manager.get_info_about_child/1**
RedisQueueReader.Manager.list_of_readers_of("queue_1") #=>
[{:undefined, #PID<0.211.0>, :worker, [RedisQueueReader.Reader]},
 {:undefined, #PID<0.214.0>, :worker, [RedisQueueReader.Reader]}]