
defmodule Redix.Protocol do
  @moduledoc """
  This module provides functions to work with the [Redis binary

  defmodule ParseError do
    @moduledoc """
    Error in parsing data according to the
    [RESP]( protocol.

    defexception [:message]

  @typedoc """
  Represents a Redis value.
  @type redis_value() :: binary | integer | nil | Redix.Error.t() | [redis_value()]

  @typedoc """
  The return value of parsing functions in this module.
  @type on_parse(value) :: {:ok, value, binary} | {:continuation, (binary -> on_parse(value))}

  @crlf "\r\n"
  @crlf_iodata [?\r, ?\n]

  @doc ~S"""
  Packs a list of Elixir terms to a Redis (RESP) array.

  This function returns an iodata (instead of a binary) because the packed
  result is usually sent to Redis through `:gen_tcp.send/2` or similar. It can
  be converted to a binary with `IO.iodata_to_binary/1`.

  All elements of `elems` are converted to strings with `to_string/1`, hence
  this function supports encoding everything that implements `String.Chars`.

  ## Examples

      iex> iodata = Redix.Protocol.pack(["SET", "mykey", 1])
      iex> IO.iodata_to_binary(iodata)

  @spec pack([String.Chars.t()]) :: iodata
  def pack(items) when is_list(items) do
    pack(items, [], 0)

  defp pack([item | rest], acc, count) do
    item = to_string(item)
    new_acc = [acc, [?$, Integer.to_string(byte_size(item)), @crlf_iodata, item, @crlf_iodata]]
    pack(rest, new_acc, count + 1)

  defp pack([], acc, count) do
    [?*, Integer.to_string(count), @crlf_iodata, acc]

  @doc ~S"""
  Parses a RESP-encoded value from the given `data`.

  Returns `{:ok, value, rest}` if a value is parsed successfully, or a
  continuation in the form `{:continuation, fun}` if the data is incomplete.

  ## Examples

      iex> Redix.Protocol.parse("+OK\r\ncruft")
      {:ok, "OK", "cruft"}

      iex> Redix.Protocol.parse("-ERR wrong type\r\n")
      {:ok, %Redix.Error{message: "ERR wrong type"}, ""}

      iex> {:continuation, fun} = Redix.Protocol.parse("+OK")
      iex> fun.("\r\n")
      {:ok, "OK", ""}

  @spec parse(binary) :: on_parse(redis_value)
  def parse(data)

  def parse("+" <> rest), do: parse_simple_string(rest)
  def parse("-" <> rest), do: parse_error(rest)
  def parse(":" <> rest), do: parse_integer(rest)
  def parse("$" <> rest), do: parse_bulk_string(rest)
  def parse("*" <> rest), do: parse_array(rest)
  def parse(""), do: {:continuation, &parse/1}

  def parse(<<byte>> <> _),
    do: raise(ParseError, message: "invalid type specifier (#{inspect(<<byte>>)})")

  @doc ~S"""
  Parses `n` RESP-encoded values from the given `data`.

  Each element is parsed as described in `parse/1`. If an element can't be fully
  parsed or there are less than `n` elements encoded in `data`, then a
  continuation in the form of `{:continuation, fun}` is returned. Otherwise,
  `{:ok, values, rest}` is returned. If there's an error in decoding, a
  `Redix.Protocol.ParseError` exception is raised.

  ## Examples

      iex> Redix.Protocol.parse_multi("+OK\r\n+COOL\r\n", 2)
      {:ok, ["OK", "COOL"], ""}

      iex> {:continuation, fun} = Redix.Protocol.parse_multi("+OK\r\n", 2)
      iex> fun.("+OK\r\n")
      {:ok, ["OK", "OK"], ""}

  @spec parse_multi(binary, non_neg_integer) :: on_parse([redis_value])
  def parse_multi(data, nelems)

  # We treat the case when we have just one element to parse differently as it's
  # a very common case since single commands are treated as pipelines with just
  # one command in them.
  def parse_multi(data, 1) do
    resolve_cont(parse(data), &{:ok, [&1], &2})

  def parse_multi(data, n) do
    take_elems(data, n, [])

  # Type parsers

  defp parse_simple_string(data) do

  defp parse_error(data) do
    |> until_crlf()
    |> resolve_cont(&{:ok, %Redix.Error{message: &1}, &2})

  defp parse_integer(""), do: {:continuation, &parse_integer/1}

  defp parse_integer("-" <> rest),
    do: resolve_cont(parse_integer_without_sign(rest), &{:ok, -&1, &2})

  defp parse_integer(bin), do: parse_integer_without_sign(bin)

  defp parse_integer_without_sign("") do
    {:continuation, &parse_integer_without_sign/1}

  defp parse_integer_without_sign(<<digit, _::binary>> = bin) when digit in ?0..?9 do
    resolve_cont(parse_integer_digits(bin, 0), fn i, rest ->
      resolve_cont(crlf(rest), fn :no_value, rest -> {:ok, i, rest} end)

  defp parse_integer_without_sign(<<non_digit, _::binary>>) do
    raise ParseError, message: "expected integer, found: #{inspect(<<non_digit>>)}"

  defp parse_integer_digits(<<digit, rest::binary>>, acc) when digit in ?0..?9,
    do: parse_integer_digits(rest, acc * 10 + (digit - ?0))

  defp parse_integer_digits(<<_non_digit, _::binary>> = rest, acc), do: {:ok, acc, rest}
  defp parse_integer_digits(<<>>, acc), do: {:continuation, &parse_integer_digits(&1, acc)}

  defp parse_bulk_string(rest) do
    resolve_cont(parse_integer(rest), fn
      -1, rest ->
        {:ok, nil, rest}

      size, rest ->
        parse_string_of_known_size(rest, _acc = [], _size_left = size)

  defp parse_string_of_known_size(data, acc, size_left) do
    case data do
      str when byte_size(str) < size_left ->
        {:continuation, &parse_string_of_known_size(&1, [acc, str], size_left - byte_size(str))}

      <<str::bytes-size(size_left), rest::binary>> ->
        resolve_cont(crlf(rest), fn :no_value, rest ->
          {:ok, IO.iodata_to_binary([acc, str]), rest}

  defp parse_array(rest) do
    resolve_cont(parse_integer(rest), fn
      -1, rest ->
        {:ok, nil, rest}

      size, rest ->
        take_elems(rest, size, [])

  defp until_crlf(data, acc \\ "")

  defp until_crlf(<<@crlf, rest::binary>>, acc), do: {:ok, acc, rest}
  defp until_crlf(<<>>, acc), do: {:continuation, &until_crlf(&1, acc)}
  defp until_crlf(<<?\r>>, acc), do: {:continuation, &until_crlf(<<?\r, &1::binary>>, acc)}
  defp until_crlf(<<byte, rest::binary>>, acc), do: until_crlf(rest, <<acc::binary, byte>>)

  defp crlf(<<@crlf, rest::binary>>), do: {:ok, :no_value, rest}
  defp crlf(<<?\r>>), do: {:continuation, &crlf(<<?\r, &1::binary>>)}
  defp crlf(<<>>), do: {:continuation, &crlf/1}

  defp crlf(<<byte, _::binary>>),
    do: raise(ParseError, message: "expected CRLF, found: #{inspect(<<byte>>)}")

  defp take_elems(data, 0, acc) do
    {:ok, Enum.reverse(acc), data}

  defp take_elems(<<_, _::binary>> = data, n, acc) when n > 0 do
    resolve_cont(parse(data), fn elem, rest ->
      take_elems(rest, n - 1, [elem | acc])

  defp take_elems(<<>>, n, acc) do
    {:continuation, &take_elems(&1, n, acc)}

  defp resolve_cont({:ok, val, rest}, ok) when is_function(ok, 2), do: ok.(val, rest)

  defp resolve_cont({:continuation, cont}, ok),
    do: {:continuation, fn new_data -> resolve_cont(cont.(new_data), ok) end}