# Redix PubSub
> Elixir library for Redis Pub/Sub (based on [Redix][redix]).
For basic Redis-related functionality, use [Redix][redix].
## Installation
Add the `:redix_pubsub` dependency to your `mix.exs` file:
defp deps() do
[{:redix_pubsub, ">= 0.0.0"}]
Use `mix hex.info redix_pubsub` to find out what the latest version is. Then, run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch the new dependency. Note that this library requires Erlang 20+.
## Usage
A `Redix.PubSub` process holds a connection to Redis and acts as a pub/sub intermediary between the Redis server and Elixir processes. The architecture looks like this:

Each `Redix.PubSub` process is able to subcribe to or unsubscribe from multiple Redis channels. One `Redix.PubSub` connection can handle multiple Elixir processes subscribing each to different channels.
A `Redix.PubSub` process can be started via `Redix.PubSub.start_link/2`:
{:ok, pubsub} = Redix.PubSub.start_link()
Most communication with the `Redix.PubSub` process happens via Elixir messages (that simulate a Pub/Sub interaction with the pub/sub server).
{:ok, pubsub} = Redix.PubSub.start_link()
Redix.PubSub.subscribe(pubsub, "my_channel", self())
#=> {:ok, ref}
Confirmation of subscriptions is delivered as an Elixir message:
receive do
{:redix_pubsub, ^pubsub, ^ref, :subscribed, %{channel: "my_channel"}} -> :ok
If someone publishes a message on a channel we're subscribed to:
receive do
{:redix_pubsub, ^pubsub, ^ref, :message, %{channel: "my_channel", payload: "hello"}} ->
IO.puts("Received a message!")
More information on usage of this library can be found in the [documentation][docs].
## License
ISC 2016, Andrea Leopardi (see [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt))
[docs]: http://hexdocs.pm/redix_pubsub
[redix]: https://github.com/whatyouhide/redix