# Redix.PubSub.Fastlane
> Fastlane pattern based on Redix.PubSub interface for Elixir
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See the [docs](https://hexdocs.pm/redix_pubsub_fastlane/) for more information.
TL;DR [Example Phoenix app](https://github.com/merqlove/elixir-docker-compose)
## About
Works as a simple wrapper over [Redix.PubSub](https://hexdocs.pm/redix_pubsub/).
Main goal is providing a fastlane path for published events.
Imagine: You have a `Main` task, that depends on few subtasks, each with its own UUID & in they await for published event, but also must know the `Main` task ID within every event.
Redix.PubSub.Fastlane.subscribe(MyApp.PubSub.Redis, "channel1", {pid, My.Fastlane, ["some_id"]})
## Installation
`redix_pubsub_fastlane` can be installed as:
1. Add `redix_pubsub_fastlane` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:redix_pubsub_fastlane, "~> 0.3.1"}]
2. Ensure `redix_pubsub_fastlane` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:redix_pubsub_fastlane]]
3. Also you can simply add it to your Mix.config:
config :redix_pubsub_fastlane, MyApp.PubSub.Redis,
fastlane: My.Fastlane,
host: ""
## Usage
Simply add it to your Supervisor stack:
supervisor(Redix.PubSub.Fastlane, [MyApp.PubSub.Redis, [host: "localhost",
port: 6397,
pool_size: 5]])
Or run it by hands:
{:ok, pubsub_server} = Redix.PubSub.Fastlane.start_link(MyApp.PubSub.Redis)
### Config Options
Option | Description | Default |
:----------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------- |
`:name` | The required name to register the PubSub processes, ie: `MyApp.PubSub` | |
`:fastlane` | The name of base fastlane module, ie: `My.Fastlane` | none |
`:decoder` | The decoder method for payloads, ie: `&Poison.decode!/1` | none |
`:database` | The redis-server database | `""` |
`:host` | The redis-server host IP | `""` |
`:port` | The redis-server port | `6379` |
`:password` | The redis-server password | `""` |
Inspired by:
- [phoenix_pubsub_redis](https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_pubsub_redis)
## License