# Redlock

This library is an implementation of Redlock (Redis destributed lock)


## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `redlock` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:redlock, "~> 0.1.6"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Usage

resource = "example_key:#{user_id}"
lock_exp_sec = 10

case Redlock.lock(resource, lock_exp_sec) do

  {:ok, mutex} ->
    # some other code which write and read on RDBMS, KVS or other storage
    # call unlock finally
    Redlock.unlock(resource, mutex)

  :error ->
    Logger.error "failed to lock resource. maybe redis connection got trouble."
    {:error, :system_error}


Or you can use `transaction` function

def my_function() do
  # do something, and return {:ok, :my_result} or {:error, :my_error}

def execute_with_lock() do

  resource = "example_key:#{user_id}"
  lock_exp_sec = 10

  case Redlock.transaction(resource, lock_exp_sec, &my_function/0) do

    {:ok, :my_result} -> "this is the return-value of my_function/0"

    {:error, :my_error} -> "this is the return-value of my_function/0"

    {:error, :lock_failure} -> "if locking has failed, Redlock returns this error"


## Setup

children = [
  # other workers/supervisors

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

## Options

### Single Node Mode

readlock_opts = [

  pool_size:             2,
  drift_factor:          0.01,
  max_retry:             3,
  retry_interval:        300,
  reconnection_interval: 5_000,

  # you must set odd number of server
  servers: [
    [host: "", port: 6379],
    [host: "", port: 6379],
    [host: "", port: 6379]


- `pool_size`: pool_size of number of connection pool for each Redis master node, default is 2
- `drift_factor`: number used for calculating validity for results, see for more detail.
- `max_retry`: how many times you want to retry if you failed to lock resource.
- `retry_interval`: (milliseconds) how long you want to wait untill your next try after a lock-failure.
- `reconnection_interval`: (milliseconds) how long you want to wait untill your next try after a redis-disconnection.
- `servers`: host and port settings for each redis-server. this amount must be odd.

### Cluster Mode

readlock_opts = [

  pool_size:             2,
  drift_factor:          0.01,
  max_retry:             3,
  retry_interval:        300,
  reconnection_interval: 5_000,

  cluster: [
    # first node
      # you must set odd number of server
      [host: "", port: 6379],
      [host: "", port: 6379],
      [host: "", port: 6379]
    # second node
      # you must set odd number of server
      [host: "", port: 6379],
      [host: "", port: 6379],
      [host: "", port: 6379]
    # third node
      # you must set odd number of server
      [host: "", port: 6379],
      [host: "", port: 6379],
      [host: "", port: 6379]


Set `cluster` option instead of `servers`, then Redlock works as cluster mode.
When you want to lock some resource, Redlock chooses a node depends on a resource key with consistent-hashing way (ketama algorithm using md5).