# Regex Formatter
Don't fear the regex. Malleable `mix format` via powerful code-search/replace.
## Installation
Add `regex_formatter` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:regex_formatter, "~> 0.1.0"}
mix deps.get
## Usage
Configure and run Regex Formatter in three steps:
1. Add `RegexFormatter` to `plugins` list in `.formatter.exs`.
2. Add `regex_formatter` config to `.formatter.exs` following examples below.
3. Run `mix format` — Regex Formatter rules will run after normal format operations.
[ # ┌── [1] Add RegexFormatter to plugins.
... # │
plugins: [Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter, RegexFormatter],
regex_formatter: [ # <───────────────────── [2] Add configuration for RegexFormatter.
extensions: [".ex", ".exs"], # <─────── [3] Configure file types to replace on.
replacements: [
~r/~u["]\s+/s, # <───────────────── [4] Define search pattern.
"~u\"" # <───────────────── [5] Define replacement pattern.
~r/(~u["][^"]+[^"\s]) +([^"\s])/s,
~S'\1 \2', # <──────────────────── [6] Replace with matched groups.
repeat: 100,
# Repeat substitutions to correctly handle overlapping matches.
# (repeated substitution will stop as soon as text stops changing)
sigils: [:sql], # <──────────────────── [7] Try substitution within sigils.
replacements: [
[ # ┌─────── [8] Try handy substitution presets.
extensions: [".ex", ".exs"], # │
preset_trim_sigil_whitespace: [:u],
preset_collapse_sigil_whitespace: [:u, :SQL],
preset_do_on_separate_line_after_multiline_signature: true
## Prior Art
Inspired by the incredibly cool https://github.com/frerich/filter_formatter, which
also helped provide excellent initial guidance for setting up a `mix format` plugin.
## License