<img align="left" width="60" height="60" src="">

# Remedy

[![Publish Docs](]( [![Codacy Security Scan](]( [![Credo, ExDoc, Doctor, Dialyzer](](

Remedy is an elixir library for interracting with the [Discord API]( The project began as a fork of the [Nostrum library](

## To Do

- [ ] Complete doc coverage
  - [ ] make doctests work
- [ ] Complete test coverage
- [x] new github actions
- [x] Convert structs to schema
- [x] Convert Cache to Ecto + Etso
- [x] use Gun as the only HTTP client
- [ ] Re implement voice
- [x] rewrite gateway modules
- [x] Code clean up to respect contexts
- [ ] smash morphix apart and just take the 1 function i use
- [ ] Remove config.exs

## Installation

defp deps() do
    {:remedy, "~> 0.6.4"}

## License