# remote_data for Gleam
This package is inspired on the Elm package [RemoteData](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/krisajenkins/remotedata/latest/).
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## Installation
gleam add remote_data
## Usage
This example shows how to use the `remote_data` package in a [lustre](https://hexdocs.pm/lustre/index.html) application.
First you wrap the data you want to fetch in a `RemoteData` type:
import remote_data.{type RemoteData} as rd
import lustre
import lustre/element
import lustre/element/html
import lustre_http.{type HttpError}
// MODEL -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type Model {
Model(quote: RemoteData(Quote, HttpError))
type Quote {
Quote(author: String, content: String)
Initialize the model with `rd.NotAsked`:
fn init(_) -> #(Model, Effect(Msg)) {
#(Model(quote: rd.NotAsked), effect.none())
When you want to fetch data, you can use the `rd.Loading` constructor to indicate that the data is being fetched.
When the data is fetched, you can use the `rd.from_result` to convert the `Result` to a `RemoteData` type:
pub opaque type Msg {
ApiUpdatedQuote(Result(Quote, HttpError))
fn update(model: Model, msg: Msg) -> #(Model, Effect(Msg)) {
case msg {
UserClickedRefresh -> #(Model(quote: rd.Loading), get_quote())
ApiUpdatedQuote(quote) -> #(Model(quote: rd.from_result(quote)), effect.none())
fn get_quote() -> Effect(Msg) {
let url = "https://api.quotable.io/random"
let decoder =
dynamic.field("author", dynamic.string),
dynamic.field("content", dynamic.string),
lustre_http.get(url, lustre_http.expect_json(decoder, ApiUpdatedQuote))
Finally, you can pattern match on the `RemoteData` type to display the data in the view:
fn view_quote(quote: RemoteData(Quote, HttpError)) -> Element(msg) {
case quote {
rd.Success(quote) ->
html.div([], [
element.text(quote.author <> " once said..."),
html.p([attribute.style([#("font-style", "italic")])], [
rd.NotAsked -> html.p([], [element.text("Click the button to get a quote!")])
rd.Loading -> html.p([], [element.text("Fetching quote...")])
rd.Failure(_) -> html.p([], [element.text("Failed to fetch quote!")])
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/remote_data>.