# Changelog
## v0.4.0
### Added
* Updates `librpitx` to newly released with minor fixes for cross-compilation.
See the [referenced commit](https://github.com/F5OEO/librpitx/tree/d514817b6507487606dbb7bf76741d60fbccaa10)
for more details
### Fixes
* `sendiq.cpp` is now referenced by commit rather than master when downloading
to fix an issue where it may not be supported by the used `librpitx` version
## v0.3.0
Updates `librpitx` to newly released version supporting rpi4 devices
See [the release announcement](https://groups.io/g/rpitx/topic/pi4_release_available/78004061?p=,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,78004061) or the [referenced commit](https://github.com/F5OEO/librpitx/tree/0aec0363e26867e7be75f52b9d0e22e8518a4eb0)
for more details
## v0.2.2
Update `librpitx`
## v0.2.1
* Fixes
* Only changes how the package is published so the required files are included
## v0.2.0
* New Features
* Support compiling for all current raspberry pi models
## v0.1.0
* initial release