# Reprise
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A simplified module reloader for Elixir.

It differs from its predecessors ([exreloader][1], mochiweb reloader)
in a way that it scans only beam files of the current mix project
and the current env.


### Usage

Reprise is best used on dev environment, that's usually where
you need reloading of modules. Here goes an example on how
to do this:

- add to deps: 
  `{:reprise, "~> 0.4.0", only: :dev}`

- add to apps:
    def application do
      dev_apps = Mix.env == :dev && [:reprise] || []
      [ applications: dev_apps ++ your_apps ]

Then your modules will be reinjected into your node - iex session
for instance - with a nice log report, each time you recompile them.
Here's an example how it looks like:
iex> 12:14:59.163 [info] Reloaded modules: [Rockside.HTML.DSL, Rockside]

The default interval between scans for changed modules is 1 second.
You can check it and set a new one - the unit is milliseconds:
iex(1)> Reprise.Server.interval
iex(2)> Reprise.Server.interval(2000)
{:ok, [prev: 1000]}

### License

The code is released under the BSD 2-Clause License.