# Req
Req is a batteries-included HTTP client for Elixir.
## Features
* An easy to use high-level API: [`Req.request/1`], [`Req.new/1`], [`Req.get!/2`], [`Req.post!/2`], etc.
* Extensibility via request, response, and error steps.
* Request body compression and automatic response body decompression (via [`compress_body`], [`compressed`], and [`decompress_body`] steps). Supports gzip, deflate, brotli and zstd decompression.
* Request body encoding and automatic response body decoding (via [`encode_body`] and [`decode_body`] steps)
* Encode params as query string (via [`put_params`] step)
* Basic, bearer, and `.netrc` authentication (via [`auth`] step)
* Range requests (via [`put_range`]) step)
* Follows redirects (via [`follow_redirects`] step)
* Retries on errors (via [`retry`] step)
* Raise on 4xx/5xx errors (via [`handle_http_errors`] step)
* Basic HTTP caching (via [`cache`] step)
* Setting base URL (via [`put_base_url`] step)
* Templated request paths (via [`put_path_params`] step)
* Running against a plug (via [`put_plug`] step)
* Pluggable adapters. By default, Req uses [Finch] (via [`run_finch`] step).
## Usage
The easiest way to use Req is with [`Mix.install/2`] (requires Elixir v1.12+):
{:req, "~> 0.3.0"}
#=> "Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications"
If you want to use Req in a Mix project, you can add the above dependency to your `mix.exs`.
If you are planning to make several similar requests, you can build up a request struct with
desired common options and re-use it:
req = Req.new(base_url: "https://api.github.com")
Req.get!(req, url: "/repos/sneako/finch").body["description"]
#=> "Elixir HTTP client, focused on performance"
Req.get!(req, url: "/repos/elixir-mint/mint").body["description"]
#=> "Functional HTTP client for Elixir with support for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2."
See [`Req.request/1`] for more information on available
Virtually all of Req's features are broken down into individual pieces - steps. Req works by running
the request struct through these steps. You can easily reuse or rearrange built-in steps or write new
ones. Importantly, steps are just regular functions. Here is another example where we append a request
step that inspects the URL just before requesting it:
req =
Req.new(base_url: "https://api.github.com")
|> Req.Request.append_request_steps(
debug_url: fn request ->
Req.get!(req, url: "/repos/wojtekmach/req").body["description"]
# Outputs: "https://api.github.com/repos/wojtekmach/req"
#=> "Req is a batteries-included HTTP client for Elixir."
Custom steps can be packaged into plugins so that they are even easier to use by others.
Here are some examples:
* [`req_easyhtml`]
* [`req_s3`]
* [`req_hex`]
* [`req_github_oauth`]
And here is how they can be used:
{:req, "~> 0.3.0"},
{:req_easyhtml, "~> 0.1.0"},
{:req_s3, "~> 0.1.0"},
{:req_hex, "~> 0.1.0"},
{:req_github_oauth, "~> 0.1.0"}
req =
(Req.new(http_errors: :raise)
|> ReqEasyHTML.attach()
|> ReqS3.attach()
|> ReqHex.attach()
|> ReqGitHubOAuth.attach())
Req.get!(req, url: "https://elixir-lang.org").body[".entry-summary h5"]
# #EasyHTML[<h5>
# Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications.
# </h5>]
Req.get!(req, url: "s3://ossci-datasets").body
# [
# "mnist/",
# "mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz",
# "mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz",
# "mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz",
# "mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"
# ]
Req.get!(req, url: "https://repo.hex.pm/tarballs/req-0.1.0.tar").body["metadata.config"]["links"]
#=> %{"GitHub" => "https://github.com/wojtekmach/req"}
Req.get!(req, url: "https://api.github.com/user").body["login"]
# Outputs:
# paste this user code:
# 6C44-30A8
# at:
# https://github.com/login/device
# open browser window? [Yn]
# 15:22:28.350 [info] response: authorization_pending
# 15:22:33.519 [info] response: authorization_pending
# 15:22:38.678 [info] response: authorization_pending
#=> "wojtekmach"
Req.get!(req, url: "https://api.github.com/user").body["login"]
#=> "wojtekmach"
See [`Req.Request`] module documentation for more information on low-level API, request struct, and developing plugins.
## Acknowledgments
Req is built on top of [Finch] and is inspired by [cURL], [Requests], [Tesla], and many other HTTP clients - thank you!
## License
Copyright (c) 2021 Wojtek Mach
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at [http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
[`Req.request/1`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.html#request/1
[`Req.new/1`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.html#new/1
[`Req.get!/2`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.html#get!/2
[`Req.post!/2`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.html#post!/2
[`Req.Request`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Request.html
[`auth`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#auth/1
[`cache`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#cache/1
[`compress_body`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#compress_body/1
[`compressed`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#compressed/1
[`decode_body`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#decode_body/1
[`decompress_body`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#decompress_body/1
[`encode_body`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#encode_body/1
[`follow_redirects`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#follow_redirects/1
[`handle_http_errors`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#handle_http_errors/1
[`output`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#output/1
[`put_base_url`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#put_base_url/1
[`put_params`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#put_params/1
[`put_path_params`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#put_path_params/1
[`put_plug`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#put_plug/1
[`put_range`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#put_range/1
[`put_user_agent`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#put_user_agent/1
[`retry`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#retry/1
[`run_finch`]: https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#run_finch/1
[Finch]: https://github.com/sneako/finch
[cURL]: https://curl.se
[Requests]: https://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/
[Tesla]: https://github.com/teamon/tesla
[`req_easyhtml`]: https://github.com/wojtekmach/req_easyhtml
[`req_s3`]: https://github.com/wojtekmach/req_s3
[`req_hex`]: https://github.com/wojtekmach/req_hex
[`req_github_oauth`]: https://github.com/wojtekmach/req_github_oauth
[`Mix.install/2`]: https://hexdocs.pm/mix/Mix.html#install/2