# Resend

[![Run in Livebook](](

API client for [Resend](, the new email API for developers.

## API

* [`Resend.Emails`](
* [`Resend.Domains`](
* [`Resend.ApiKeys`](

## Installation

Install by adding `resend` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:resend, "~> 0.4.2"}

## Getting Started

Send your first email in two steps:

# Configure your Resend API key
config :resend, Resend.Client, api_key: "re_123456789"

# Send an email
  to: "",
  from: "",
  subject: "Hello!",
  text: "👋🏻"

Elixir script example:

# Save this file as `resend.exs`, run it with `elixir resend.exs`
  {:resend, "~> 0.4.1"}

# Replace with your API key
client = Resend.client(api_key: "re_123456789")

# Replace `:to` and `:from` with valid emails
Resend.Emails.send(client, %{
  to: "",
  from: "",
  subject: "Hello!",
  text: "👋🏻"

View additional documentation at <>.

## Swoosh Adapter

This library includes a Swoosh adapter to make using Resend with a new Phoenix project as easy as
possible. All you have to do is configure your Mailer:

config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer,
  adapter: Resend.Swoosh.Adapter,
  api_key: "re_123456789"

View additional documentation at <>.

## Testing

By default, calls to Resend are mocked in tests. To send live emails while running
the test suite, set the following environment variables:

RESEND_KEY="re_123456789" \
  RECIPIENT_EMAIL="<to_email>" \
  SENDER_EMAIL="<from_email>" \
  SENT_EMAIL_ID="<existing_email_id>" \
  mix test