# ResponseSnapshot
ResponseSnapshot is a testing tool for Elixir that captures the output of responses
and ensures that they do not change in between test runs. The output is saved to disk,
meant to be checked into source control. This output can be used by frontend and other tests
to ensure proper integration between frontend and backend code, or to ensure that endpoint
responses do not change over time.
## Installation
Add the following to your dependency list:
def deps() do
{:response_snapshot, "~> 1.0", only: :test}
## Usage
The most basic is a simple call to `store_and_compare!` as such:
|> store_and_compare!(path: "test/location/i/want/output.json")
This will cause the output to be written to disk the first time, and then compared
using exact match in all future tests.
## Options
* path - The path of the fixture on disk
* mode - The comparison mode of the diff algorithm. Values must be: :exact, :keys
* ignored_keys - Keys to ignore during comparison. Can be exact or wildcard matches
## Application Config
In addition to being able to set configuration for each call, certain configuration
can be achieved using the Application module. The following options are available:
* path_base - The base of the path that all fixture paths will be relative to
* mode - Same as mode option
* ignored_keys - Same as ignored_keys options; the lists are combined
Option values passed into the `store_and_compare!` function are used over the
Application config values.
## Comparison Modes
The `store_and_compare!` interface has 2 different modes, exact and keys. The `:exact`
mode is default and requires both key and value of the comparison to match the stored
snapshot. The `:keys` mode requires only the keys of the comparison to match the stored
snapshot. This can be useful in testing that the shape of an endpoint doesn't change
over time, without worrying about the test input.
## Ignored Keys
It is possible to ignore keys that will change between test runs. This is most common
for dynamic fields such as ids, timestamps, etc. Ignored keys can be done via an exact
string comparison, or a wildcard-like implementation.
|> store_and_compare!(path: path, ignored_keys: ["exact.example", {"partial", :any_nesting}])
The exact.example key requires that the shape of the JSON is exact -> key. The partial key
allows for matches such as "partial", "partial.nested", or "nested.partial".
Ignored keys will only ignore value changes, not key additions or removals. This is
due to an addition or removal affecting the output shape, which would go against the
goals of this library.
- [x] Setup desired testing interface
- [x] Setup application option defaults
- [x] base path
- [x] ignored keys
- [x] mode
- [x] Compare JSON responses deeply
- [x] value change doesn't fail mode (new / missing keys will fail)
- [x] exact value mode (new / missing keys, changed values will fail)
- [x] Ignored keys
- [x] Ignore key should only ignore modifications because addition/removal is contract breakage
- [-] Compare HTML responses at face value *no, focus only on JSON responses for now*
- [x] Fail tests with helpful message on failure
- [-] Allow re-recording of a snapshot with a switch passed to the test suite *not sure this is possible*
- [x] Dialyzer public interface