# REST API Builder - Ecto Schema Store Provider
An API resource provider for the `rest_api_builder` project. This provider allows a
developer to back a rest service using a store provided by this library.
[REST API Builder](https://hex.pm/packages/rest_api_builder)
This works is still early access may be changed significantly as that the `rest_api_builder` library is still under
initial development.
This documentation will focus on the provider itself. To see more documentation for `rest_api_builder` please visit that
project in Hex.
## Installation
def deps do
[{:rest_api_builder_essp, "~> 0.5"}]
## Using
defmodule Customer do
use EctoTest.Web, :model
schema "customers" do
field :name, :string
field :email, :string
field :account_closed, :boolean, default: false
def changeset(model, params) do
|> cast(params, [:name, :email])
defmodule CustomerStore do
use EctoSchemaStore, schema: Customer, repo: MyApp.Repo
defmodule CustomersApi do
use RestApiBuilder, plural_name: :customers, singular_name: :customer, activate: :all
provider RestApiBuilder.EctoSchemaStoreProvider, store: CustomerStore
## Configuring the provider
* `store` - The module that implements the store interface.
* `parent_field` - The field name of the parent schema id in the Ecto schema definition. This is used when a REST API module is a child to another.
* `soft_delete` - By default the provider will delete the record. This takes a tuple of `{field_name, value_to_set}`. When set, will update the record and exclude it from future query results.
* `include` - Which fields to include in the resource. By default only, non-association fields are included.
* `exclude` - Which fields that woudl normally be included need to be excluded from the resource output.
* `preload` - List of associations to preload when querying records. Dependent on need, child associations may be better as their own REST API module.
In addition, the provider also adds a command to the REST API module that allows the developer to set which changesets to use when creating or updating by default.
defmodule CustomersApi do
use RestApiBuilder, plural_name: :customers, singular_name: :customer, activate: :all
provider RestApiBuilder.EctoSchemaStoreProvider, store: CustomerStore,
soft_delete: {:account_closed, true},
exclude: [:account_closed]
changeset :create_changeset, :create
changeset :update_changeset, :update
By default, the standard name of :changset is used like normal within the store itself. To use no changeset, just provide the following:
defmodule CustomersApi do
use RestApiBuilder, plural_name: :customers, singular_name: :customer, activate: :all
provider RestApiBuilder.EctoSchemaStoreProvider, store: CustomerStore,
soft_delete: {:account_closed, true},
exclude: [:account_closed]
changeset nil
You can also provide a default changeset for both create and update:
defmodule CustomersApi do
use RestApiBuilder, plural_name: :customers, singular_name: :customer, activate: :all
provider RestApiBuilder.EctoSchemaStoreProvider, store: CustomerStore,
soft_delete: {:account_closed, true},
exclude: [:account_closed]
changeset :api_changeset
The changeset could also be changed progarmatically such as with an plug to be set based upon the using accessing the service.
This is done by adding a :changeset value to the `Plug.Conn` assigns map.
defmodule CustomersApi do
use RestApiBuilder, plural_name: :customers, singular_name: :customer, activate: :all, default_plugs: false
import Plug.Conn
provider RestApiBuilder.EctoSchemaStoreProvider, store: CustomerStore,
soft_delete: {:account_closed, true},
exclude: [:account_closed]
plugs do
plug :check_access_level
def check_access_level(%Plug.Conn{assigns: %{current_user: %{type: "admin"}}} = conn, _opts) do
assign conn, :changeset, :admin_changeset
def check_access_level(conn, _opts), do: conn
changeset :standard_user_changeset