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# ResuelveAuth
Plug to validate signed request.
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Requeriments](#requeriments)
* [Secret generation](#secret-generation)
* [Crear token y validarlo](#create-token)
* [Errors](#errors)
- [Error handler](#error-handler)
* [Contributors](#contributors)
## Usage
def deps do
[{:resuelve_auth, "~> 1.4.3"}]
Add the plugin to a pipeline, following the [guides to creating libraries in Elixir](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/master/library-guidelines.html), the options are configured and can be sent to the plugin.
pipeline :api_auth do
options = [
secret: "secret",
limit_time: 4,
handler: MyApp.AuthHandler
plug ResuelveAuth.AuthPlug, options
## Requeriments
Cause the library require OTP 21.0 you must need to use:
* elixir 1.7.2
* erlang 21.0
I recommend using [asdf](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf) as CLI tool that can manage multiple language runtime versions. So, you can use the rigth versions with:
$ asdf install
## Secret generation
When you use Phoenix you can create a new secret with:
$> mix phx.gen.secret 32
$> mix phx.gen.secret 64
Another way to create a secret is:
$> date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo
$> date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 64 ; echo
And the last if you wish to use openssl
$> openssl rand -base64 32
$> openssl rand -base64 64
## Create new token data
When you need to use the token struct, `%TokenData{}` is the option. So, you can define your struct as:
service: service,
role: "service",
meta: "metadata",
timestamp: 1593731494361
As you can see the timestamp field requires a Unix time number. Then timestamp could be created with:
DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now(), :millisecond)
And your struct looks like:
service: "my-api",
role: "admin",
meta: "metadata",
timestamp: DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now(), :millisecond)
When you create the token the function require some options.
| Option | Description | Default value |
| ------- | ----------- | ------------- |
| limit_time | time in hours | 168 h (1 w) |
| secret | Secret key | empty |
| handler | Error handler function | ResuelveAuth.Sample.AuthHandler |
iex> alias ResuelveAuth.TokenData
iex> alias ResuelveAuth.Helpers.TokenHelper
iex> time = DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now(), :millisecond)
iex> token_data = %TokenData{
service: "my-api",
role: "admin",
meta: "metadata",
timestamp: time
iex> options = [secret: "super-secret-key", limit_time: 4]
iex> token = TokenHelper.create_token(token_data, options)
After the token was created you can use it in your requests and validate with the follow method:
iex> options = [secret: "super-secret-key", limit_time: 4]
iex> {:ok, result} = TokenHelper.verify_token(token, options)
"meta" => "metadata",
"role" => "admin",
"service" => "my-api",
"session" => nil,
"time" => ~U[2020-07-03 00:00:34.881Z],
"timestamp" => 1593734434881
If the token is invalid, you may see an error like this:
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, :wrong_format}
## Errors
The following are the errors returned by the plug:
* `{:error, :expired}`
* `{:error, :unauthorized}`
* `{:error, :wrong_format}`
### Error handler
Maybe you want to handle each error message or improve some details in the response. Below is an example of how to customize error handling.
defmodule App.MyErrorHandler do
def errors(conn, reason) do
# Error handler logic
iex> options = [secret: "super-secret-key", limit_time: 4, handler: Module.Handler]
iex> token = TokenHelper.verify_token(token, options)
`verify_token` function should not call directly, this function is used as a sample. Here is an example of the [ResuelveAuth.Sample.AuthHandler](lib/sample/auth_handler.ex) module.
@spec errors(map, String.t()) :: any
def errors(conn, message) do
Logger.error(fn -> "Invalid token: #{inspect(message)}" end)
detail = reason(message)
response = Poison.encode!(%{data: nil, errors: %{detail: detail}})
|> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
|> send_resp(:unauthorized, response)
|> halt
## Contributors
This is the list of [contributors](https://github.com/resuelve/resuelve-auth-plug/graphs/contributors) who have participated in this project.
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[contributors-url]: https://github.com/resuelve/resuelve-auth-plug/graphs/contributors