# RexJS - elixir

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**RexJS is library for reactivity between elixir data and front-end through javascript websockets.**

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## Installation

### Elixir
Add `rexjs` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:rexjs, "~> 0.1.0"}]

### Front-end
* [JavaScript](
* [VueJS](

## Usage

### Phoenix Framework:
#### Add to ``config.ex``:
config :rexjsphoenix, YourPhoenixApp.Endpoint,
  http: [dispatch: [
        {:_, [
            {"/rexjs", Orisons.RexJS.Adapter.Cowboy, []},
            {:_, Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Handler, {YourPhoenixApp.Endpoint, []}}

### Cowboy:
  { :_,
      {"/rexjs", Orisons.RexJS.Adapter.Cowboy, []}
      {"/someurl", DynamicPageHandler, []},
You can change ``"/rexjs"`` endpoint to other, it's configurable in front-end.

#### Start worker

#### Set module data in worker
  Orisons.RexJS.Module.set_data("worker_unique_name", "module_name", "Some value")
***This function post message with data to all binded websockets with this worker and module***

More info you can find in [documentation](