# Rihanna

Rihanna is a fast, reliable and easy-to-use Postgres-backed distributed job queue for Elixir. It was inspired by the brilliant [Que]( library for Ruby and uses advisory locks for speed.

You might consider using Rihanna if:

- You need durable asynchronous jobs that are guaranteed to run even if the BEAM is restarted
- You want ACID guarantees around your jobs so you can be 100% sure they will never be lost
- You want a [beautiful web GUI]( that allows you to inspect, delete and retry failed jobs
- You want a simple queue that uses your existing Postgres database and doesn't require any additional services or dependencies
- You need to process up to 10,000 jobs per second (if you need more throughout than this you should probably consider a "real" messaging system like Kafka or ActiveMQ)
- You want to pass arbitrary Elixir/Erlang terms that may not be JSON-serializable such as tuples or structs as arguments

## Usage

There are two ways to use Rihanna. The simplest way is to pass a mod-fun-args tuple like so:

# schedule job for later execution and return immediately
Rihanna.enqueue({MyModule, :my_fun, [arg1, arg2]})

The second way is to implement the `Rihanna.Job` behaviour and define the `perform/1` function. Implementing this behaviour allows you to define retry strategies, show custom error messages on failure etc. See [the docs](addlink) for more details.

defmodule MyApp.MyJob do
  @behaviour Rihanna.Job

  # NOTE: `perform/1` is a required callback. It takes exactly one argument. To
  # pass multiple arguments, wrap them in a list and destructure in the
  # function head as in this example
  def perform([arg1, arg2]) do
    success? = do_some_work(arg1, arg2)

    if success? do
      # job completed successfully
      # job execution failed
      {:error, :failed}

Now you can schedule your jobs like so:

# schedule job for later execution and return immediately
Rihanna.enqueue(MyApp.MyJob, [arg1, arg2])

## Installation

### Step 1 - add the dependency

Add `rihanna` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:rihanna, ">= 0.0.0"}

Install with `mix deps.get`.

### Step 2 - run the migration

Add a migration to create your jobs table.

Rihanna stores jobs in a table in your database. The default table name is "rihanna_jobs".

#### Using Ecto

The easiest way to create the database is with Ecto. Run `mix ecto.gen.migration create_rihanna_jobs` and make your migration look like this:

defmodule MyApp.CreateRihannaJobs do
  use Rihanna.Migration

Now you can run `mix ecto.migrate`.

#### Without Ecto

Ecto is not required to run Rihanna. If you want to create the table yourself, without Ecto, take a look at the docs for [Rihanna.Migration](insert_link_to_docs_here).

### Step 3 - boot the supervisor

Add `Rihanna.Supervisor` to your supervision tree

`Rihanna.Supervisor` starts a job dispatcher and by adding it to your supervision tree it will automatically start running jobs when your app boots.

Rihanna requires a database configuration to be passed in under the `postgrex` key. This is passed through directly to Postgrex.

If you are already using Ecto you can avoid duplicating your DB config by pulling this out of your existing Repo using `My.Repo.config()`.

# NOTE: In Phoenix you would find this inside `lib/my_app/application.ex`
children = [
  {Rihanna.Supervisor, [name: Rihanna.Supervisor, postgrex: My.Repo.config()]}

## Configuration

Rihanna should work out of the box without any configuration. However, should you
wish to tweak it, take a look at the documentation for [Rihanna.Config](insert_documentation_here).

## FAQs

**Q. What guarantees does Rihanna provide?**

Rihanna guarantees at-least-once execution of jobs regardless of node failures, netsplits or even database restarts.

Rihanna strives to never execute a job more than once, however, this may be unavoidable in certain failure scenarios such as

- a node losing its connection to the database
- a node dying while executing a job

For this reason jobs should be made idempotent where possible.

**Q. How many jobs per second can Rihanna process?**

Performance should be at least as good as [Que](

I have seen it do around 1.5k jobs per second on a mid-2016 Macbook Pro. Significantly higher throughputs are possible with a beefier database server.

More detailed benchmarks to come. For now see: [](

**Q. Does it support multiple queues/scheduling/cron tasks?**

Not yet, but it will.

**Q. Why Rihanna?**

Because she knows how to [work, work, work, work, work](