# River Place Client

This is a small elixir package that provides easy access to the api's.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add river_place_client to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:river_place_client, "~> 0.0.3"}]

  2. Ensure river_place is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:river_place]]

## Example Usage

iex -S mix

# Login
iex> {:ok, session_id} = RiverPlaceClient.login("620602T", "jabba007")

# Check Login
iex> RiverPlaceClient.logged_in?(session_id)

# Get all time slots for a day
iex> RiverPlaceClient.time_slots("2016-11-12")
[%RiverPlaceClient.TimeSlot{booking_id: nil, end_time: "08:00 AM",
  facility_name: "Court 1", id: 6, start_time: "07:00 AM", status: "valid"},
  %RiverPlaceClient.TimeSlot{booking_id: nil, end_time: "09:00 AM",
  facility_name: "Court 1", id: 7, start_time: "08:00 AM", status: "valid"}

# Get available time slots for a specific time
iex> alias RiverPlaceClient.TimeSlot
iex> first_available = RiverPlaceClient.time_slots("2016-11-12") |> TimeSlot.available |> TimeSlot.for_time("08:00 AM") |> List.first
%RiverPlaceClient.TimeSlot{booking_id: nil, end_time: "09:00 AM",
  facility_name: "Court 1", id: 7, start_time: "08:00 AM", status: "valid"}

# Book a court
iex> {:ok, booking} = RiverPlaceClient.create_booking("2016-11-12", first_available, session_id)
 %RiverPlaceClient.Booking{day: "2016-11-12 00:00:00",
  desc: "08:00 AM  November 11 By 620602", end: "2016-11-12 09:00:00",
  facility: %RiverPlaceClient.Facility{id: 4, name: "Tennis Court 1",
   time_slots: nil}, id: 10206, start: "2016-11-12 08:00:00"}}

# Delete a booking
iex> RiverPlaceClient.delete_booking(, session_id)

# Logout
iex> RiverPlaceClient.logout(session_id)

# Confirm Logout
ie> RiverPlaceClient.logged_in?(session_id)


## Publish new version

