.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/AntoineGagne/robots.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/AntoineGagne/robots
:Author: `Antoine Gagné <gagnantoine@gmail.com>`_
.. contents::
:backlinks: none
.. sectnum::
A library that parses and validates rules from ``robots.txt``.
.. code::block:: erlang
Content = <<"User-Agent: bot\nAllow: /fish">>,
%% This will return an opaque type that contains all the rules and their agents
{ok, RulesIndex} = robots:parse(Content, 200),
true = robots:is_allowed(<<"bot/1.0.0">>, <<"/fish/salmon.html">>, RulesIndex),
false = robots:is_allowed(<<"bot/1.0.0">>, <<"/Fish.asp">>, RulesIndex),
Running all the tests and linters
You can run all the tests and linters with the ``rebar3`` alias:
.. code-block:: sh
rebar3 check