# RogerUI

This library provides an UI dashboard for [Roger](, a job processing library based on message broadcasting [RabbitMQ](

RogerUI allow you to see nodes, partitions and queues with various details levels.

### [Screenshots](

## Features

- Graphical User Interface
- Multi-tentant architecture, based on partitions or nodes
- Based on Roger and RabbitMQ
- On-line monitoring - Per-queue concurrency control
- Jobs cancellation (both queued and while running)
- Pausing / unpausing working queues
- Cluster-aware
- Detailed queue / partition information
- Graceful shutdown on stopping

## Software Requirements

You will need the following to compile and run the application:

* [Elixir 1.5.1]( or greater
* [Roger 1.3.0]( or greater
* [RabbitMQ 3.6.0]( or greater

## Installing RogerUI (User mode)

#### Installing RogerUI

Once you have installed and configured [RabbitMQ]( and [Roger](

Add Roger UI dep in your /mix.exs:
defp deps do
{:roger_ui, "~> 0.1"}

Inside the project folder run `mix deps.get`, and then run `mix compile`

#### Configuring with Phoenix to run like Plug

On your application when Roger’s instance its configured:
- Change /web/router.exs file and add the following lines:

  pipeline :roger do
    plug :accepts, ["html"]
    plug :put_secure_browser_headers
    plug RogerUI.Web.RouterPlug, namespace: "roger"

  scope "/roger", RogerUI.Web.RouterPlug do
    pipe_through :roger
    forward "/", Router, namespace: "roger"
You can change the namespace and scope to wathever works for you, then you can start `Phoenix` server and navigate to `roger` namespace like: `http://localhost/roger`

## Installing RogerUI (Developer mode)

#### Installing RogerUI

Once you have installed and configured [RabbitMQ](, [Node.js & npm]( and [Roger](, in your develop enviroment

- Create a Phoenix project with mix:  `mix`
- Clone [RogerUI]( project,

 Open command line and go to /priv/vue folder:
- run  `npm install` 

#### Configuring RogerUI

On your application where Roger’s instance its configured:
- Add Roger UI local dep in your /mix.exs:
{:roger_ui, "~> 0.1", path: "../roger_ui"}
- Change /config/config.exs file and add the following lines:
# Configure AMQP
config :roger, Roger.AMQPClient,
  host: "localhost",
  port: 5672

config :roger, Roger.Partition.Worker,
  callbacks: RogerUiDemo.Worker.Callback

if node() == :"server@" do
  config :roger_ui, :server, true
  config :roger, :partitions,
    roger_ui_demo_partition: [default: 10, other: 2]
  config :roger_ui, :server, false"server@")
Note: The `:"server@"` option should match with your local node’s name, so you must set it with `iex –sname` command before application runs. This will be described shortly.

- Optionally, if you wish to run the client in a different machine, you must create a file `server.base.url.js` on `roger_ui/priv/vue/config` directory. This file must contains:

module.exports = '"http://your-address:your-port"'
IMPORTANT: the address must be enclosed inside double quote AND single quote

Inside roger_ui/priv/vue folder run:
- `npm install`
- `npm run build`
- `npm run dev`

#### Running RogerUI

Inside your phoenix application you must run:
- `mix deps.get`
- `mix compile` 
- `iex –-name server@ -S mix phx.server` 

to get the application up, remember match server name according `/config/config.exs` file before described.
- RogerUI will be available at `http://localhost:8080` once it starts, or, if you created and configurated `roger_ui/priv/vue/config/server.base.url.js` in that address

## License

Copyright © 2018 Betty Blocks