`ROR` is an unofficial client for the [Research Organization Registry (ROR)]( API for Elixir.

> The Research Organization Registry (ROR) includes IDs and metadata for more than 110,000 organizations and counting.
> Registry data is CC0 and openly available via a search interface, REST API, and data dump. Registry updates are curated
> through a community process and released at least once a month

Please read ROR's [terms of use]( and do not put excessive load on their API service. 

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## Features

* Lookup individual ROR records by ID
* Search and Quick Search based on names or record attributes
* Paging and filters are supported
* Match text to records, possibly identifying an organisation from existing data
* Records are returned as typed structs (slightly different to the ROR JSON responses, but containing all the information)
* Client ID authentication is supported and optional
* (This is an early version and only contains the basics so far)

The top level `ROR` module contains functions for retrieving data from the API. Other ROR modules may not be needed at all.
Other modules include:

* `ROR.Client` presents a lower-level way to retrieve data, and returns maps based on the literal ROR JSON responses.
* `ROR.Organization` contains a struct and utilities for the main ROR organization record
* `ROR.Results` is an enumerable struct that contains both Organizations and metadata
* `ROR.Matches` is another enumerable struct, which contains results from affiliation searches

## Examples

### Retrieving data about an organization using its ROR ID

org = ROR.get!("")
# => [""],


### List ROR records, specifying a page and a filter

ROR.list!(page: 15, filter: [type: :government])
|> org -> end)
# => ["", "",
#     "", "",
#     "", "",
#     "", "",
#     "", "",
#     "", "",
#     "", "",
#     "", "",
#     "", "",
#     "", ""]

### A quick search 

a = ROR.quick_search!("University of Manchester")
    |> Enum.take(1)
    |> List.first()
# => 1824


### An affiliation search for strong match or nil, also showing off the string conversion feature

org = ROR.chosen_organization!("CERN"), &to_string/1)
# => ["CERN", "European Organization for Nuclear Research",
#     "Europäische Organisation für Kernforschung",
#     "Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire"]


## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `ror` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ror, "~> 0.1.0"}

## References

### ROR Resources
* [ROR website](
* [ROR API Documentation](
* [Projects using ROR](

## Documentation

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.

## Contributing

You can request new features by creating an [issue](,
or submit a [pull request]( with your contribution.

If you are comfortable working with Python but ROR's Elixir code is unfamiliar then this blog post may help: 
[Elixir For Humans Who Know Python](

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2025 Digital Identity Ltd, UK

This software is MIT licensed.

## Disclaimer
This Elixir ROR library is not endorsed by The Research Organization Registry (ROR)

This software may change considerably in the first few releases after 0.1.0 - it is not yet stable!