* RoseTree
/An n-ary tree by any other name.../
A [[][rose tree]] is an n-ary tree in which each node has zero or more children, all
of which are themselves rose trees.
Up-to-date documentation can be found on [[][hex]].
** Functions
*** RoseTree
**** Tree creation
+ =RoseTree.from_map/1=
**** Node insertion/removal/validation
+ =RoseTree.add_child/2=
+ =RoseTree.add_child/2=
+ =RoseTree.pop_child/1=
+ =RoseTree.pop_child_at/2=
+ =RoseTree.elem_at/2=
**** Node manipulation
+ =RoseTree.update_node/3=
+ =RoseTree.update_children/3=
+ =RoseTree.merge_nodes/2=
**** Traversal
+ =RoseTree.to_list/1=
+ =RoseTree.paths/1=
+ =RoseTree.child_values/1=
**** Predicates
+ =RoseTree.is_child?/2=
*** RoseTree.Zipper
**** Creation/Extraction
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.to_tree/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.from_tree/1=
**** Traversal
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.nth_child/2=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.ascend/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.to_root/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.next_sibling/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.previous_sibling/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.last_child/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.first_child/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.find_child/2=
*** Modification
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.prune/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.modify/2=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.lift/2=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.insert_left/2=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.insert_right/2=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.insert_first_child/2=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.insert_last_child/2=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.insert_nth_child/3=
*** Predicates
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.root?/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.leaf?/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.first?/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.last?/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.only_child?/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.has_parent?/1=
+ =RoseTree.Zipper.has_children?/1=
** Protocols
=RoseTree= implements the [[][Enumerable]] protocol, so all applicable [[][Enum]] and [[][Stream]] functions are usable with a =RoseTree=.
** Installation
Add =rose_tree= to your list of dependencies in =mix.exs=:
#+BEGIN_SRC elixir
def deps do
[{:rose_tree, "~> 0.2.0"}]