# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits](Https:// for commit guidelines.
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## [v0.3.0-alpha.4]( (2024-11-04)
## [v0.3.0-alpha.3]( (2024-10-28)
### Features:
* cldr: add adaptor for projects using Cldr
### Bug Fixes:
* core: preprocess_using does not accept options
* mix: do not override dep :ssl_verify_fun
## [v0.3.0-alpha.2]( (2024-10-23)
### Breaking Changes:
* dev: rename development aid functions
* alternatives: rename :is_current? to :match?
* translations: depend on Gettext greater than 0.26.0
### Bug Fixes:
* docs: warnings about referencing Phoenix.Router.Route
* core: rename is_private/1 to private?/1
* ci: update Github actions
* core: warning during compilation about usage of :warn
## [v0.3.0-alpha.1]( (2024-10-21)
### Breaking Changes:
* core: remove Routex.Path module
* core: split Extension Utils module
* alternatives: rename scope to branch
### Features:
* core: merge private Routex attrs into socket
* verified: branching macro's of all arities of ~p, url and path
* core: enable AST-free manipulation of routes with interpolation
* alternatives: indicate if an alternative route `is_current?`
* interpol: add extension for interpolation of routes
* translations: distinct locale and language
* core: introduce Branching module
* core: introduce Matchable module
## [v0.2.0-alpha.8]( (2023-10-18)
### Bug Fixes:
* translations: reliably extract segments to translate
## [v0.2.0-alpha.7]( (2023-05-31)
### Features:
* utils: use verbose defaults for esc_inspect/2
### Bug Fixes:
* route: swallowed routes due to nonunique map key
## [v0.1.0-alpha.6]( (2023-05-30)
## [v0.1.0-alpha.5]( (2023-05-05)
### Features:
* add ROUTEX_DEBUG for compilation debugging (#3)
### Bug Fixes:
* verified: let Phoenix handle missing routes