# RRulex
RRulex is an Elixir package that parses an RRULE from the [iCalendar RFC-2445]( and expands into a usable struct.

This Hex package is an extension of Austin Hammer's [RRulex]( that unfortunately never made it to distribution.

## Getting Started

def deps do
    {:rrulex, "~> 0.1.0"}

Here's a few simple examples:

> use RRulex
> RRulex.parse("FREQ=DAILY")
  by_day: [:friday],
  by_hour: [],
  by_minute: [],
  by_month: [],
  by_month_day: [],
  by_second: [],
  by_set_pos: [],
  by_week_number: [],
  by_year_day: [],
  count: 6,
  frequency: :weekly,
  interval: 2,
  until: nil,
  week_start: nil

  by_day: [:friday],
  by_hour: [],
  by_minute: [],
  by_month: [],
  by_month_day: [],
  by_second: [],
  by_set_pos: [],
  by_week_number: [],
  by_year_day: [],
  count: 6,
  frequency: :weekly,
  interval: 2,
  until: nil,
  week_start: nil

## License
This software is licensed under [the MIT license](