# rsvp
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gleam add rsvp@1
Rsvp helps you make HTTP requests and handle their responses in a Lustre application.
This library supports both client side SPAs and components, _and_ server components
meaning applications that use rsvp are more likely to be suitable as **universal
## Usage
Rsvp separates the concerns of making HTTP requests from handling their responses
meaning we need to do three things to properly make a request:
- First, we must define a [`Handler`](./rsvp.html#Handler) that describes how to
handler the response and turn it into a message your `update` function can
- Second, we must create the [`Effect`](https://hexdocs.pm/lustre/lustre/effect.html)
that describes the request using either the [`get`](./rsvp.html#get) or
[`post`](./rsvp.html#post) convenience functions, or by constructing a
[`Request`](https://hexdocs.pm/gleam_http/gleam/http/request.html#Request) and
using [`send`](./rsvp.html#send) directly.
- Finally, we must return that `Effect` in our application's `init` or `update`
functions so that the runtime can perform the request.
## Recipes
The following recipes are available to help you get started with rsvp:
- [Fetching JSON](./recipes/get-json.html)
- [Post JSON](./recipes/post-json.html)
- [Include authorization headers](./recipes/authorization-headers.html)
If you think a common use case is missing or you'd like to contribute a recipe
yourself, please open an issue or pull request!