# RTC.ex

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An implementation of [RDF Triple Compounds]( in Elixir.

RDF Triple Compounds (RTC) is a spec which defines a vocabulary around the concept
of _triple compounds_, nestable sub-graphs embedded in RDF-star graphs.

For a guide and more information on its underlying projects, go to <>.

## Usage

Create a compound:

iex> [
...>   EX.Employee38 
...>   |> EX.firstName("John")
...>   |> EX.familyName("Smith")
...>   |> EX.jobTitle("Assistant Designer"),
...>   EX.Employee39
...>   |> EX.firstName("Jane")
...>   |> EX.familyName("Doe")
...>   |> EX.jobTitle("HR Manager")
...> ]
...> |>,
...>   prefixes: [ex: EX],    
...>   annotations: %{EX.dataSource() => EX.DataSource}
...> )
#RTC.Compound<id: ~I<>
  @prefix ex: <> .
  @prefix rtc: <> .

      ex:dataSource ex:DataSource ;
        << ex:Employee38 ex:familyName "Smith" >>, 
        << ex:Employee38 ex:firstName "John" >>, 
        << ex:Employee38 ex:jobTitle "Assistant Designer" >>, 
        << ex:Employee39 ex:familyName "Doe" >>, 
        << ex:Employee39 ex:firstName "Jane" >>, 
        << ex:Employee39 ex:jobTitle "HR Manager" >> .

      ex:familyName "Smith" ;
      ex:firstName "John" ;
      ex:jobTitle "Assistant Designer" .

      ex:familyName "Doe" ;
      ex:firstName "Jane" ;
      ex:jobTitle "HR Manager" .

Add it to a triple store:

|> RTC.Compound.to_rdf()
|> SPARQL.Client.insert_data("")

And fetch the compound back from a triple store:

RTC.Compound.from_sparql("", EX.Compound)

## Contributing

See [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.

## Consulting

If you need help with your Elixir and Linked Data projects, just contact [NinjaConcept]( via <>.

## License and Copyright

(c) 2023-present Marcel Otto. MIT Licensed, see [LICENSE]( for details.