### rtrace
A wrapper for [recon]( library. This application also exposes a REST api for call tracing. Although `recon` supports various trace patterns, this api allows on tracing function calls with just module and function name for a maximum of 100 calls.

### Usage
Add `rtrace` as a dependency in `rebar.config`
{deps, [
	{rtrace, "<latest release>"}

By default, the application listens on port 15000 for incoming api requests. This port can be customized by setting `http_port` value in `sys.config`. The application can also be restricted to listen only on a specific ip address by setting `http_host_ip` property.
	{rtrace, [
		{http_port, 17000}, %% a different port
		{http_host_ip, {127, 0, 0, 1}} %% listen only on localhost

#### API
The application exposes the following api's.
  <tr><td colspan="2"><strong>POST /api/v1/trace</strong></td></tr>

	<td>Start trace</td>
  "mod": "maps",
  "fun": "get",
  "calls": 10

  <tr><td colspan="2"><strong>GET /api/v1/logs/:uuid</strong></td></tr>

	<td>Get logs for specified trace request</td>
The response is a list of trace logs

**NOTE:** All requests and responses are encoded as JSON.

#### UX
Navigate to `http://localhost:15000` in your browser. You can now start tracing and view trace logs from the UI.
- Press `Start` to start trace after entering module and function names.
- The page will refresh and display a `Refresh` button along with some information.
- Press `Refresh` button to display the trace logs. The logs would not refresh if `recon` trace limit has been tripped or the function under trace is never called.


### Contributing