# ruapu erlang binding

[![Hex pm](](

This is an Erlang/OTP binding for [ruapu](

## Installation

To compile the module you simply run `rebar3 compile`.

To run the unit tests run `rebar3 eunit`.

To build the documentation run `rebar edoc`.

To use ruapu in your project you can just add it as a dependency in your rebar.config file in the following way:

  {ruapu, "0.1.0"}

### Usage

The getopt module provides two functions:

ruapu:supports(ISA :: string() | atom() | binary()) -> boolean().

ruapu:rua() -> {ok, [string()]} | {error, string()}.

For example:

% pass the ISA as a string, atom or binary
1> ruapu:supports("neon").
2> ruapu:supports(neon).
3> ruapu:supports(<<"neon">>).
% get all supported ISAs
4> ruapu:rua().

### For developers
To release a new version of the library, you need to use the `` script. It will copy the `ruapu.h` to the `c_src` directory so that it can included in the released package.