# Rubber [![Build Status](](

A DSL-free Elasticsearch client written in Elixir.

[elastix]( doesn't seem to be maintained anymore so I'll try to keep this fork up-to-date.

I started off with `elastic-reloaded` for the name but then it got annoying because I wanted some consistency between the package name, the app name and the top module name so now it's `Rubber` everywhere.

## Documentation

* [Documentation on](
* [Latest Elasticsearch documentation](

Even though the [documentation]( is pretty scarce right now, I'm working on improving it. Also if you want to help with that you're definitely welcome 🤗

This README contains most of the information you should need to get started, if you can't find what you're looking for, either look at the tests or file an issue!

## Installation

Add `rubber` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:rubber, "~> 0.6"}]

## Examples

### Creating an Elasticsearch index

Rubber.Index.create("", "sample_index_name", %{})

### Map, Index, Search and Delete

elastic_url = ""

data = %{
    user: "kimchy",
    post_date: "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
    message: "trying out Rubber"

mapping = %{
  properties: %{
    user: %{type: "text"},
    post_date: %{type: "date"},
    message: %{type: "text"}

Rubber.Mapping.put(elastic_url, "twitter", "tweet", mapping)
Rubber.Document.index(elastic_url, "twitter", "tweet",, data), "twitter", ["tweet"], %{})
Rubber.Document.delete(elastic_url, "twitter", "tweet",

### Bulk requests

Bulk requests take as parameter a list of the lines you want to send to the [`_bulk`]( endpoint.

You can also specify the following options:

* `index` the index of the request
* `type` the document type of the request. *(you can't specify `type` without specifying `index`)*

lines = [
  %{index: %{_id: "1"}},
  %{field: "value1"},
  %{index: %{_id: "2"}},
  %{field: "value2"}
], lines, index: "my_index", type: "my_type")

# You can also send raw data:
data =, fn line -> Poison.encode!(line) <> "\n" end)
Rubber.Bulk.post_raw(elastic_url, data, index: "my_index", type: "my_type")

## Configuration

### [Shield](

config :rubber,
  shield: true,
  username: "username",
  password: "password",

### [Poison]( and [HTTPoison](

config :rubber,
  poison_options: [keys: :atoms!],
  httpoison_options: [hackney: [pool: :rubber_pool]]

### Custom headers

config :rubber,
  custom_headers: {MyModule, :add_aws_signature, ["us-east"]}

`custom_headers` must be a tuple of the type `{Module, :function, [args]}`, where `:function` is a function that should accept the request (a map of this type: `%{method: String.t, headers: [], url: String.t, body: String.t}`) as its first parameter and return a list of the headers you want to send:

defmodule MyModule do
  def add_aws_signature(request, region) do
    [{"Authorization", generate_aws_signature(request, region)} | request.headers]

  defp generate_aws_signature(request, region) do
    # See: or similar

## Running tests

You need Elasticsearch running locally on port 9200. A quick way of doing so is via Docker:

$ docker run -p 9200:9200 -it --rm elasticsearch:5.1.2

Then clone the repo and fetch its dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd rubber
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test

## License

[elastix]( was first licensed under the WTFPL by El Werbitzky <>.
Rubber is now distributed under the MIT License.