# Rummage.Ecto

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**If you're looking for full `Phoenix` support, `Rummage.Phoenix` uses `Rummage.Ecto` and adds `HTML` and `Controller` support
to it. You can check `Rummage.Phoenix` out by clicking [here](**

**Please refer for [CHANGELOG]( for version specific changes**

`Rummage.Ecto` is a light weight, but powerful framework that can be used to alter `Ecto` queries with Search, Sort and Paginate operations.

It accomplishes the above operations by using `Hooks`, which are modules that implement `Rummage.Ecto.Hook` behavior.
Each operation: `Search`, `Sort` and `Paginate` have their hooks defined in `Rummage`. By doing this, `Rummage` is completely

For example, if you don't like one of the hooks of `Rummage`, but you do like the other two, you can configure `Rummage` to not use it and write your own custom

**NOTE: `Rummage` is not like `Ransack`, and it doesn't intend to be like `Ransack`. It doesn't define functions based on search parameters.
If you'd like to have something like that, you can always configure `Rummage` to use your `Search` module for that model. This
is why Rummage has been made configurable.**

## Installation

This package is [available in Hex](, and can be installed as:

  - Add `rummage_ecto` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:rummage_ecto, "~> 1.2.0"}]

## Blogs

### Current Blogs:

  - [Rummage Demo & Basics](
  - [Using Rummage.Ecto](
  - [Using Rummage.Phoenix: Part 1](

### Coming up next:

  - Using Rummage.Phoenix: Part 2
  - Using the Rummage Search hook
  - Using the Rummage Sort hook
  - Writing a Custom Rummage.Ecto Hook
  - Writing a Custom Rummage.Phoenix HTML helper
  - Using Rummage with other Libraries: Kerosene
  - Using Rummage with other Libraries: Scrivener

## Hooks

## Configuration

  - **NOTE: This is Optional. If no configuration is provided, `Rummage` will use default hooks and `AppName.Repo` as the repo**
  - If you want to override any of the `Rummage` default hooks,
    add `rummage_ecto` config to your list of configs in `dev.exs`:

    config :rummage_ecto,
      search: MyApp.SearchModule

  - For configuring a repo:

    config :rummage_ecto,
      repo: MyApp.Repo # This can be overridden per model basis, if need be.

  - Other config options are: `repo`, `sort`, `paginate`, `per_page`

  - `Rummage.Ecto` can be configured globally with a `per_page` value (which can be overridden for a model).
    If you want to set different `per_page` for different the models, add it to `model.exs` file while using `Rummage.Ecto`
    as shown in the [Advanced Usage Section](#advanced-usage).

## Usage

`Rummage.Ecto` comes with a lot of powerful features which are available right away, without writing a whole lot of code.
Below are the ways `Rummage.Ecto` can be used:

### Basic Usage:

  - Add the `Repo` of your app and the desired `per_page` (if using Rummage's Pagination) to the `rummage_ecto` configuration in `config.exs`:

  config :rummage_ecto, Rummage.Ecto,
    repo: MyApp.Repo,
    per_page: 10

  - And you should be able to use `Rummage.Ecto` with any `Ecto` model.

### Advanced Usage:

  - If you'd like to override any of `Rummage`'s default hooks with your custom hook, add the `CustomHook` of your app with the desired operation to the
  `rummage_ecto` configuration in `config.exs`:

  config :rummage_ecto, Rummage.Ecto,
    repo: MyApp.Repo,
    search: MyApp.SearchModule,
    paginate: MyApp.PaginateModule

  - When using `Rummage.Ecto` with an app that has multiple `Repo`s, or when there's a need to configure `Repo` per model basis, it can be passed along with
  with the call to `Rummage.Ecto`. This overrides the default repo set in the configuration:

  {queryable, rummage} = Product
    |> Rummage.Ecto.rummage(rummage, repo: MyApp.Repo2)

  - And you should be able to use `Rummage.Ecto` with `Product` model which is in a different `Repo` than the default one.

## Examples

  - Setting up the application above will allow us to do the following:

  rummage = %{
    "search" => %{"field_1" => %{"assoc" => [], "search_type" => "like", "search_term" => "field_!"}},
    "sort" => %{"assoc" => [], "field" => "field_1.asc"},
    "paginate" => %{"per_page" => "5", "page" => "1"}

  {queryable, rummage} = Product
    |> Rummage.Ecto.rummage(rummage)

  products = queryable
    |> Product.another_operation # <-- Since `Rummage` is Ecto, we can pipe the result queryable into another queryable operation.
    |> Repo.all

  - Rummage responds to `params` with keys: `search`, `sort` and/or `paginate`. It doesn't need to have all the keys, or any keys for that matter.
    If invalid keys are passed, they won't alter any operations in rummage. Here's an example of `Rummage` params:

    "search" => %{"field_1" => %{"assoc" => [], "search_type" => "like", "search_term" => "field_!"},
    "sort" => %{"assoc" => [], "field" => "field_1.asc"},
    "paginate" => %{"per_page" => "5", "page" => "1"}

## Example with Screenshots

  - Rummage Search example:
  ![rummage search](src/rummage_search.png)

  - Rummage Search with Association example:
  ![rummage search assoc](src/rummage_search_assoc.png)

  - Rummage Sort example:
  ![rummage sort](src/rummage_sort.png)

  - Rummage Sort with Association example:
  ![rummage sort assoc](src/rummage_sort_assoc.png)

  - Rummage Search with Sort example:
  ![rummage search sort](src/rummage_search_and_sort.png)

  - Rummage Search, Sort and Paginate example:
  ![rummage search sort paginate](src/rummage_search_sort_and_paginate.png)