# RunletSh

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Generate [runlets]( from containerized
Unix processes.

## Installation

Add `runlet_sh` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:runlet_sh, github: "msantos/runlet_sh"}]
### Create Container Root Filesystem

mkdir -p priv/root/bin priv/root/sbin \
   priv/root/usr priv/root/lib priv/root/lib64 \
   priv/root/opt priv/root/tmp priv/root/home priv/root/proc

## Configuration


The UID/GID of the containerized processes is selected from one of
65535 UIDs beginning from 0xF0000000. Systems may limit the maximum UID:
setting a UID above the limit will fail with `{:error, :einval}`.

#### config/config.exs: Set Minimum UID

To set a lower UID offset:

import Config

config :runlet,
  uidmin: 0x80000

### config/config.exs: Set Function to Select UID

import Config

config :runlet,
  uidfun: fn _uidmin -> 65577 end

## Test

### Privileges

youruser ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/runlet_sh/deps/prx/priv/prx