# Rustic Maybe

[![Hex Docs](](

Maybe monad for Elixir inspired by Rust
[Option]( type.

## Installation

This package can be installed by adding `rustic_maybe` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:rustic_maybe, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

import Rustic.Maybe

some(1) == {:some, 1}
# true

nothing() == :nothing
# true

some(1) |> unwrap!()
# 1

nothing() |> unwrap!()
# ** (ArgumentError) trying to unwrap an empty Maybe monad

some(1) |> map(fn n -> n + 1 end)
# some(2)

nothing() |> map(fn n -> n + 1 end)
# nothing()

some(1) |> and_then(fn n -> some(n + 1) end)
# some(2)

nothing() |> and_then(fn n -> some(n + 1) end)
# nothing()

some(1) |> or_else(fn -> some(2) end)
# some(1)

nothing() |> or_else(fn -> some(2) end)
# some(2)

some(1) |> filter(fn n -> n > 0 end)
# some(1)

some(-1) |> filter(fn n -> n > 0 end)
# nothing()

nothing() |> filter(fn n -> n > 0 end)
# nothing()

For more examples, please consult the
[API reference](

With function guards:

import Rustic.Maybe

def handle_option(val) when is_nothing(val) do
  # ...
def handle_option(val) when is_some(val) do
  # ...
def handle_result(val) do
  raise ArgumentError, message: "#{inspect(val)} is not a Maybe monad"

## Usage with Rustic.Result

[Rustic.Result]( is an implementation of the
Result monad, inspired by Rust's Result type.

**Result.Maybe** does not depend on **Rustic.Result** but can still work with
its data type:

alias Rustic.Result  # if you installed it
alias Rustic.Maybe

Maybe.some(1) |> Maybe.ok_or(:no_value) == Result.ok(1)
# true

Maybe.nothing() |> Maybe.ok_or(:no_value) == Result.err(:no_value)
# true

Maybe.some(Result.ok(1)) |> Maybe.transpose() == Result.ok(Maybe.some(1))
# true

Maybe.some(Result.err(:no_value)) |> Maybe.transpose() == Result.err(:no_value)
# true

Maybe.nothing() |> Maybe.transpose() == Result.ok(Maybe.nothing())
# true

For more examples, please consult the
[API reference](