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# rustled_syntect

An [Elixir] binding for [syntect], a syntax highlighting library written in [Rust].
Powered by [Rustler].
Supports line by line streaming and outputs [I/O lists for that awesome `writev` call](!


## Installation

Add rustled_syntect to your project's dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:rustled_syntect, "~> 0.1.0"}

And fetch your project's dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

## Usage

iex> RustledSyntect.hilite_stream(["(0..69).each do |x|", "  puts x", "end"], lang: "Ruby") |> Enum.into([]) |> IO.puts

<span class="source ruby"><span class="punctuation definition group begin ruby">(</span><span class="constant numeric ruby">0</span><span class="keyword operator ruby">..</span><span class="constant numeric ruby">69</span><span class="punctuation definition group end ruby">)</span><span class="punctuation accessor ruby">.</span>each <span class="keyword control start-block ruby">do</span> <span class="meta block parameters ruby"><span class="punctuation definition parameters begin ruby">|</span></span><span class="meta block parameters ruby"><span class="variable parameter ruby">x</span><span class="meta block parameters ruby"><span class="punctuation definition parameters end ruby">|</span></span></span>
  <span class="support function builtin ruby">puts</span> x
<span class="keyword control ruby">end</span></span>

iex> RustledSyntect.supported_langs
    file_extensions: ["txt"],
    first_line_match: nil,
    name: "Plain Text"
    file_extensions: ["asa"],
    first_line_match: nil,
    name: "ASP"
    file_extensions: ["asp"],
    first_line_match: nil,
    name: "HTML (ASP)"
    file_extensions: ["as"],
    first_line_match: nil,
    name: "ActionScript"
    file_extensions: ["applescript", "script editor"],
    first_line_match: "^#!.*(osascript)",
    name: "AppleScript"

## License

Like Syntect itself, this binding is available under the MIT License.