defmodule Rustler do
@moduledoc """
Provides compile-time configuration for a NIF module.
When used, Rustler expects the `:otp_app` as option.
The `:otp_app` should point to the OTP application that
the dynamic library can be loaded from.
For example:
defmodule MyNIF do
use Rustler, otp_app: :my_nif
This allows the module to be configured like so:
config :my_nif, MyNIF,
crate: :my_nif,
load_data: [1, 2, 3]
## Configuration options
* `:cargo` - Specify how to envoke the rust compiler. Options are:
- `:system` (default) - use `cargo` from the system (must be in `$PATH`)
- `{:system, <channel>}` - use `cargo` from the system with the given channel.
Specified as a string, passed directly to `cargo` (e.g. "+nightly").
- `{:rustup, <version>}` - use `rustup` to specify which channel to use.
Available options include: `:stable`, `:beta`, `:nightly`, or a string
which specifies a specific version (e.g. `"1.39.0"`).
- `{:bin, "/path/to/binary"}` - provide a specific path to `cargo`.
* `:crate` - the name of the Rust crate, if different from your `otp_app`
value. If you have more than one crate in your project, you will need to
be explicit about which crate you intend to use.
* `:default_features` - a boolean to specify whether the crate's default features
should be used.
* `:env` - Specify a list of environment variables when envoking the compiler.
* `:features` - a list of features to enable when compiling the crate.
* `:load_data` - Any valid term. This value is passed into the NIF when it is
loaded (default: `0`)
* `:load_data_fun` - `{Module, :function}` to dynamically generate `load_data`.
Default value: `nil`.
This parameter is mutually exclusive with `load_data`
which means that `load_data` has to be set to it's default value.
defmodule NIF do
use Rustler, load_data_fun: {Deployment, :nif_data}
defmodule Deployment do
def nif_data do
:code.priv_dir(:otp_app) |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
* `:load_from` - This option allows control over where the final artifact should be
loaded from at runtime. By default the compiled artifact is loaded from the
owning `:otp_app`'s `priv/native` directory. This option comes in handy in
combination with the `:skip_compilation?` option in order to load pre-compiled
artifacts. To override the default behaviour specify a tuple:
`{:my_app, "priv/native/<artifact>"}`. Due to the way `:erlang.load_nif/2`
works, the artifact should not include the file extension (i.e. `.so`, `.dll`).
* `:mode` - Specify which mode to compile the crate with (default: `:release`)
* `:path` - By default, rustler expects the crate to be found in `native/<crate>` in the
root of the project. Use this option to override this.
* `:skip_compilation?` - This option skips envoking the rust compiler. Specify this option
in combination with `:load_from` to load a pre-compiled artifact.
* `:target` - Specify a compile [target] triple.
* `:target_dir` - Override the compiler output directory.
Any of the above options can be passed directly into the `use` macro like so:
defmodule MyNIF do
use Rustler,
otp_app: :my_nif,
crate: :some_other_crate,
load_data: :something
defmacro __using__(opts) do
quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do
otp_app = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :otp_app)
env = Application.compile_env(otp_app, __MODULE__, [])
config = Rustler.Compiler.compile_crate(otp_app, env, opts)
for resource <- config.external_resources do
@external_resource resource
if config.lib do
@load_from config.load_from
@load_data config.load_data
@load_data_fun config.load_data_fun
@before_compile Rustler
defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do
default_load_data_value = %Rustler.Compiler.Config{}.load_data
default_fun_value = %Rustler.Compiler.Config{}.load_data_fun
quote do
@on_load :rustler_init
defmacrop _construct_load_data do
default_load_data_value = unquote(default_load_data_value)
default_fun_value = unquote(default_fun_value)
case {@load_data, @load_data_fun} do
{load_data, ^default_fun_value} ->
quote do
{^default_load_data_value, {module, function}}
when is_atom(module) and is_atom(function) ->
quote do
apply(unquote(module), unquote(function), [])
{^default_load_data_value, provided_value} ->
raise """
`load_data` has to be `{Module, :function}`.
Instead received: #{inspect(provided_value)}
{load_data, load_data_fun} ->
raise """
Only `load_data` or `load_data_fun` can be provided. Instead received:
>>> load_data: #{inspect(load_data)}
>>> load_data_fun: #{inspect(load_data_fun)}
@doc false
def rustler_init do
# Remove any old modules that may be loaded so we don't get
# {:error, {:upgrade, 'Upgrade not supported by this NIF library.'}}
{otp_app, path} = @load_from
load_path =
|> Application.app_dir(path)
|> to_charlist()
:erlang.load_nif(load_path, _construct_load_data())
@doc false
def rustler_version do
# Retrieve newest version or fall back to hard-coded one
|> Map.fetch!("versions")
|> Enum.filter(fn version -> not version["yanked"] end)
|> version -> version["num"] end)
|> Enum.fetch!(0)
_ -> "0.34.0"