# Safe Inspect

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## Installation

Add `:safe_inspect` to the list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:safe_inspect, "~> 1.0.0"}

## About

Safely inspect in your logs by redacting sensitive data

import SafeInspect

with foo <- my_func1(),
     bar <- my_func2(foo) do
  {:ok, bar}
  err ->
    # No fear of accidentally logging sensitive data when using the safe `inspect!`
    Logger.error("Something bad happened: #{inspect!(error)}")

Your logs will look something like this, depending on your config:

[error] Something bad happened: {:bad_user, %User{id: 123, email: :redacted, address: :redacted}}

## Configuration

In your `config/config.exs` add all the keys that you want to redact. Here's an example:

config :safe_inspect,
  redacted_keys: [