[![Hex version]( "Hex version")](


An OTP library for checking that specific directories are safe to use.

This project is the result of problems with handling broken NFS mounts.

Our application would regularily use `filelib:is_regular/1` with a path that
is in an NFS mounted directory.

The problem is, whenever such a mount point gets _stuck_, e.g. because of an
NFS-server outage or a network problem, **all** file operations, i.e. calls to `file` and
`filelib` modules, block from the moment the first path in a _stuck_ directory is accessed.
Even operations on paths outside the broken mount point are blocked.

This library aims to provide a workaround for this problem by providing operations 
that check if a path is accessable using an external process instead of `filelib` or `file`.


    $ rebar3 compile


To check if a file is a regular file, use `safeio:is_regular/2`:

    safeio:is_regular("/mnt/nfs-audio", "en/wav-g711a/test.wav"),