# Sage

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Sage is an implementation of [Sagas]( pattern
in pure Elixir. It is go to way when you dealing with distributed transactions, especially with
an error recovery/cleanup. Sagas guarantees that either all the transactions in a saga are
successfully completed or compensating transactions are run to amend a partial execution.

> It’s like `Ecto.Multi` but across business logic and third-party APIs.
> -- <cite>@jayjun</cite>

This is done by defining two way flow with transaction and compensation functions, if one of transactions fails Sage will do it's beset to make sure that it's and all predecessors compensations are completed.

To visualize, let's imagine we have a 4-step transaction. Successful flow should look something like this:
[T1] -> [T2] -> [T3] -> [T4]

and if we have a failure on 3-d step Sage will cleanup side effects by running compensation functions:

[T1] -> [T2] -> [T3 has an error]
[C1] <- [C2] <- [C3]

## Additional Features

Along with that simple idea, you will get much more out of the box with Sage:

- Transaction retries;
- TTL-based caching;
- Asynchronous transactions with timeout;
- Ease to write circuit breakers;
- Code that is clean and easy to test;
- Low cost of integration in existing code base and low performance overhead;
- Ability to don't lock the database for long running transactions;
- Extensibility - write your own handler for critical errors or metric collector to measure how much time each step took.

## Rationale

Lot's of applications I've seen face a common task - interaction with other API's to offload some work to third-party SaaS products or micro-services. Also, sometimes you simply need to interact with more than one database.

In those cases you can't get transaction isolation that we all are used to thanks to RDBMS.
When failing in the middle of transaction now it's the developer responsibility to make sure
we cleaned out all side effects to don't leave application in inconsistent state.

Consider following pseudo-code:

defmodule WithSagas do
  def create_and_subscribe_user(attrs) do
    Repo.transaction(fn ->
      with {:ok, user} <- create_user(attrs),
           {:ok, plans} <- fetch_subscription_plans(attrs),
           {:ok, charge} <- charge_card(user, subscription),
           {:ok, subscription} <- create_subscription(user, plan, attrs),
           {:ok, _delivery} <- schedule_delivery(user, subscription, attrs),
           {:ok, _receipt} <- send_email_receipt(user, subscription, attrs),
           {:ok, user} <- update_user(user, %{subscription: subscription}) do
        {:error, {:carge_failed, _reason}} ->
          # First problem: charge is not available here
          :ok = refund(charge)

        {:error, {:create_subscription, _reason}} ->
          # Second problem: growing list of compensations
          :ok = refund(charge)
          :ok = delete_subscription(subscription)

        # Third problem: how to know should be send another email, at which stage we failed?

        other ->
          # Will rollback transaction on all other errors
          :ok = ensure_deleted(fn -> refund(charge) end)
          :ok = ensure_deleted(fn -> delete_subscription(subscription) end)
          :ok = ensure_deleted(fn -> delete_delivery_from_schedule(delivery) end)


  defp ensure_deleted(cb) do
    case cb.() do
      :ok -> :ok
      {:error, :not_found} -> :ok

Along with issues highlighted in code itself, there are few more:

1. To know at which stage we failed we need to keep eye on special returns from functions we are using here;
2. Hard to control that for all cases there is a condition to compensate then;
3. Does not cover retries, async operations or circuit breaker;
4. Can not keep things together, because `with` returns are not available in `else` block;
5. No error handling in case of code bugs;
5. Hard to test.

Of course, you can manage that by splitting `create_and_subscribe_user/1`, but the resulting code would take more space and be harder to maintain.

Instead, let's see how this pipeline would look with `Sage`:

import Sage

|> run(:user, &create_user/2)
|> run_cached(:plans, &fetch_subscription_plans/3)
|> checkpoint(retry_limit: 3) # Retry everything after a checkpoint 3 times (if anything fails), `retry_timeout` is taken from `attrs`
|> run(:subscription, &create_subscription/2, &delete_subscription/3)
|> run_async(:delivery, &schedule_delivery/2, &delete_delivery_from_schedule/3)
|> run_async(:receipt, &send_email_receipt/2, &send_excuse_for_email_receipt/3)
|> run(:update_user, &set_plan_for_a_user/2)
|> finally(&acknowledge_job/2)
|> to_function(attrs)
|> Repo.transaction()

Along with more readable code, you getting:

- guarantees that transaction steps are completed or all failed steps are compensated;
- much simpler and easier to test code for transaction and compensation function implementations;
- retries, caching, circuit breaking and asynchronous requests;
- declarative way to define your transactions and run them.

## Critical Error Handling

### For Transactions

Transactions are wrapped in a `try..catch` block.
Whenever a critical error occurs (exception is raised, error thrown or exit signal is received)
Sage will run all compensations and then reraise exception, so you would see it like it occurred without Sage.

### For Compensations

By default, compensations are not protected from critical errors and would raise an exception.
This is done to keep simplicity and follow "let it fall" pattern of the language,
thinking that this kind of errors should be logged and then manually investigated by a developer.

But if that's not enough for you, it is possible to register handler via `on_compensation_error/2`.
When it's registered, compensations are wrapped in a `try..catch` block
and then it's error handler responsibility to take care about further actions. Few solutions you might want to try:

- Send notification to a Slack channel about need of manual resolution;
- Retry compensation;
- Spin off a new supervised process that would retry compensation and return an error in the Sage.
(Useful when you have connection issues that would be resolved at some point in future.)

Logging for compensation errors is pretty verbose to drive the attention to the problem from system maintainers.

## For `finally/2` callback

Sage does it's best to make sure final callback is executed even if there is a program bug in the code.
This guarantee simplifies integration with a job processing queues, you can read more about it at [GenTask Readme](

# Visualizations

For making it easier to understand what flow you should expect here are few additional examples:

1. Retries

[T1] -> [T2] -> [T3 has an error]
[C2 retries] <- [C3]
        [T2] -> [T3]

2. Circuit breaker
[T1] -> [T2  has an error]
        [C2 circuit breaker] -> [T3]

2. Async transactions
[T1] -> [T2 async] -↓
        [T3 async] -> [await for T2 and T3 before non-async operation] -> [T4]

2. Error in async transaction (notice: both async operations are awaited and then compensated)
[T1] -> [T2 async with error] -↓
        [T3 async] -> [await for T2 and T3 before non-async operation]
[C1]   <- [C2]   <- [C3]

# RFC's

### Inspecting

Allow to add `after_transaction`, `before_transaction`, `after_compensation`, `before_compensation` callbacks that can share a state and can report metrics on execution flow. They should not affect execution in any way or receive effects from it (except operation name).

### Idempotency

sage =
  |> with_idempotency(MyIdempotencyAdapter) // or with_persistency()
  |> run(:t1, ..)
  |> run(:t2, ..)
  |> checkpoint() # Ok, result is written to a persistent storage
  |> run(:t3, ..) # Fails only for the first time

execute(sage, [attr: "hello world"]) # Returns an error

execute(sage, [attr: "hello world"]) # Would continue from `:t2` by re-using persistent state which is stored as hash over all the arguments (or user-provided).

### HTTP lib on top of Sage


HTTP client can extend Saga's interface and we will be able to:
- suggest the way to compensate request;
- require compensation for non-idempotent operations;
- reduce amount of code that needs to be written for complex API interactions.

#### Locks

Placing a short-term timeout-based lock on each resource that's required to complete an operation, and obtaining these resources in advance, can help increase the likelihood that the overall activity will succeed. The work should be performed only after all the resources have been acquired. All actions must be finalized before the locks expire.

#### Retries

Consider using retry logic that is more forgiving than usual to minimize failures that trigger a compensating transaction. If a step in an operation that implements eventual consistency fails, try handling the failure as a transient exception and repeat the step. Only stop the operation and initiate a compensating transaction if a step fails repeatedly or irrecoverably.

#### Type checking

We can leverage dializer?

#### Tests

Integration with property testing would make possible to test your transaction functions and almost automatically make sure Saga is correct for most common scenarios.

#### Caching

Add build-in behaviour and simple cache adapter for caching transaction return.

#### Async dependencies

Allow async operations to optionally specify dependency after which they want to run:

|> run_async(:a, tx_cb, cmp_cb)
|> run_async(:b, tx_cb, cmp_cb, after: :a)
|> run_async(:e, tx_cb, cmp_cb)
|> run_async(:c, tx_cb, cmp_cb, after: [:b, :e])

To implement this we need a run-time checks for dependency tree to get rid
of dead ends and recursive dependencies before sage is executed.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `sage` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:sage, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

# License

See [](

# Credits

Some implementation ideas were taken from [`Ecto.Multi`]( module originally implemented by @michalmuskala and [`gisla`]( by @mrallen1 which implements Sagas pattern for Erlang.

Sagas idea have origins from [whitepaper]( written in 80's. There are more recent work - [Compensating Transactions]( which is part of Azure Architecture Guidelines.

# Thanks to

 - Josh Forisha for letting me to use this awesome project name on (he had a package with that name);
 - @michalmuskala, @alco and @alecnmk for giving feedback and ideas along my way;
 - all the Elixir community and Core Team. Guys, you are awesome ❤️.