<p align="center">
    <a href="" alt="SaladUI Logo">
    <img src="" height="120"/></a>
<h4 align="center">
    A collection of Live View components inspired by shadcn

<div align="center">
    <a href="">Demo</a> |
    <a href="">Documentation</a> |
    <a href="">Support project</a>

<div align="center">
<img src="" alt="Tests">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Module Version"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Hex Docs"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Total Download"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Last Updated"></a>

## [Demo storybook](

<a href='' target='_blank'><img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at' /></a>

## Installation

1. Add `salad_ui` to your `mix.exs`
def deps do
    {:salad_ui, "~> 0.14"},

2. Add `TwMerge.Cache` to `application.ex`

children = [


3. Setup `salad_ui`

3.1 **Using `salad_ui` as part of your project:**

> This way you can install only components that you want to use or you want to edit SaladUI's component source code to fit your need.
> If you just want to use SaladUI's components, see **Using as library** below.

- Init Salad UI in your project
#> cd your_project
#> mix salad.init

# install some components
#> mix salad.add label button

3.2 **Using `salad_ui` as a library:**
- Init Salad UI in your project with option `--as-lib`
#> cd your_project
#> mix salad.init --as-lib

- Using in your project
defmodule MyModule do
    # import any component you need
    import SaladUI.Button

    def render(_) do
      <.button>Click me</.button>

## More configuration
1. Custom error translate function

config :salad_ui, :error_translator_function, {MyAppWeb.CoreComponents, :translate_error}

## 🛠️ Development

Here is how to start develop SaladUI on local machine.

1. Clone this repo
2. Clone `` in the same directory with **Salad UI**
3. Start storybook
cd salad_storybook
mix phx.server

## Unit Testing

In your project folder make sure the dependencies are installed by running `mix deps.get`, then once completed you can run:

- `mix test` to run tests once or,
- `mix` to watch file and run tests on file changes.

To run the failing tests only, just run `mix --stale`.

  It's also important to note that you must format your code with `mix format` before sending a pull request, otherwise the build in github will fail.

##  List of components

- ✅ Accordion
- ✅ Alert
- ✅ Alert Dialog
- ✅ Avatar
- ✅ Badge
- ✅ Breadcrumb
- ✅ Button
- ✅ Card
- [ ] Carousel
- ✅ Chart
- ✅ Checkbox
- ✅ Collapsible
- [ ] Combobox
- [ ] Command
- [ ] Context Menu
- ✅ Dialog
- [ ] Drawer
- ✅ Dropdown Menu
- ✅ Form
- ✅ Hover Card
- ✅ Input
- [ ] Input OTP
- ✅ Label
- ✅ Pagination
- ✅ Popover
- ✅ Progress
- ✅ Radio Group
- ✅ Scroll Area
- ✅ Select
- ✅ Separator
- ✅ Sheet
- ✅ Sidebar
- ✅ Skeleton
- ✅ Slider
- ✅ Switch
- ✅ Table
- ✅ Tabs
- ✅ Textarea
- ✅ Tooltip
- ✅ Toggle
- ✅ Toggle Group

## 🌟 Contributors

<p align="center">
    <a href="">
        <img src="" width="600"/></a>

## 😘 Credits
This project could not be available without these awesome works:

- `tailwind css` an awesome css utility project
- `turboprop` I borrow code from here for merging tailwinds classes
- `shadcn/ui` which this project is inspired from
- `Phoenix Framework` of course