defmodule Sass do
@moduledoc """
Compiles SASS into CSS using a NIF for Libsass
## Currently supported Sass options
* [output_style]( `integer` - use the helpers below to assign the style
* precision `integer` - decimal rounding percision
* source_comments `true` or `false` - causes the line number and file where a selector is defined to be emitted into the compiled CSS as a comment
* soure_map_embed `true` or `false`
* source_map_contents `true` or `false`
* omit_source_map_url `true` or `false`
* is_indented_syntax `true` or `false`
* indent `:tab` or `:space`
* linefeed `:unix` or `:windows`
* include_paths `list` - list of directories for Sass to search for imports linked files. Example: `["bower_compoents", "../node_modules"]`
alias Sass.Compiler
@doc """
Compiles a string of CSS/SCSS/Sass into CSS string
## Examples
iex> sass = "$white : #fff; a { color: $white;}"
iex> Sass.compile(sass)
{:ok, "a {\\n color: #fff; }\\n"}
# With options
iex> Sass.compile(sass, %{output_style: 2})
{:ok, "a { color: #fff; }\\n"}
def compile(source, options \\ %{}) do
|> String.trim()
|> Compiler.compile(options)
@doc """
Compiles a file with CSS/SCSS/Sass into CSS string
## Examples
iex> Sass.compile_file("application.scss")
{:ok, "a {\\n color: #fff; }\\n"}
# With options
iex> Sass.compile_file("application.scss", %{output_style: 3})
{:ok, "a{color:#fff}\\n"}
def compile_file(path, options \\ %{}) do
|> String.trim()
|> Compiler.compile_file(options)
@doc """
Prints version of LibSass
def version, do: Compiler.version()