# Scaffolder

Scaffolder allows you to easily scaffold folder structure using an elixir map. It also allows
you to generate a file. By default all folders or files generated by Scaffolder will be created
under lib folder. Behind the scene, Scaffolder implement DFS to scaffold the folders and files.

As an example let say that you have the following map

structure = %{
  folder_one: %{
    file_one: "ex",
    file_two: "ex"
  folder_two: %{
    nested_folder: %{
      file_three: "ex",
      file_four: {"ex", ""}
  file_five: "ex",
  file_six: {"ex", "defmodule FileSix do\n\nend"}


Calling ```scaffold/2``` function



will generate the following folders and files under the lib (default) folder

|  |__file_one.ex
|  |__file_two.ex
|  |__nested_folder
|     |__file_three.ex
|     |__file_four.ex


where file_six.ex will have the following code inside it

defmodule FileSix do



Think of scaffolder as your tool to create a standard for folder structure or code for your team. You could also
utilize mix task with scaffolder to create your own sweet tool that could automatically generated your folder or code
standard for your team.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `scaffolder` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:scaffolder, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
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